AU Riot

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Gloria Sanchez-Contreras COMM 050 August 29, 2010

A student protest against American Universitys divestment in Mexico today escalated to violence.

It just got out of hand, said University Police Chief Thomas Richardson. First they were gathered around the quad chanting Divest Now, Divest Now, while they were marching toward the Butler Pavilion, where the trustees were meeting this afternoon.

More than 200 students were protesting the use of sweatshops labor in factories that produce clothing for American manufactures.

According to police, when they asked students to leave because they were disrupting classes, students turned aggressive.

Three police officers were injured and taken to the hospital when stones or bottles hit them, said Richardson. 22 people were arrested and charged with trespassing private property, refused to disperse and assault.

I am stunned to think that students would resort to violence to get their

point across, Board of Trustees President Patricia Williams said. While we dont condone sweatshop labor or inhumane working conditions, we must ensure that American University investments pay highest dividends.

Students Against Sweatshop Labor AU Chapter President Lynn Marie Shepard said the university must stop its support of a country that treats is workers like slave labor and that the demonstrators would have remained loud but peaceful if the police should not have come to them.

AU President Neil Kerwin and Williams said disruptive students could face suspension or expulsion.

Kerwin said that while he commends the students for their work to improve society, he cannot permit them to disrupt university business. This is a place for study and contemplation, no a place for riotous behavior, Kerwin said.

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