1809-SF Anti Bullying Poster FINAL

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Bullying & Cyberbullying

What is Cyberbullying? It means using a mobile phone, the internet or other new technologies to threaten or embarrass someone. It could be through: Email Instant messenger or chatrooms Social networking sites Mobile phone Online gaming

Cyberbullying can involve: Sending or posting abusive comments or photos. Sending viruses that can destroy someones computer. Posting someone elses personal information, emails, photos or blog. Postings where others can see them without permission. Getting hold of someone elses messaging accounts and chatting to people, pretending to be the victim. Have you ever... Forwarded a racist, sexist or homophobic email (even if you havent written it yourself)? Visited pages on a social networking site that have been set up to make fun of someone? Laughed at a humiliating email, text message or blog posting? Been abusive while playing an online game? Forwarded a humiliating text or photo of someone? Posted someones personal information without asking?

Its not really bullying, its just having a laugh, isnt it? Wrong! Bullying can take many forms, such as trying to hurt someone, name calling, jokes, graffiti or just ignoring someone. It can also involve texting or emails.

What to do

If you are having problems with mobile or online bullying, do the following: Talk to someone you trust about it, like a friend, a teacher or an older relative. Keep and save any bullying emails, text messages or images you receive. Make a note of the time and date that messages or images were sent, along with any details you have about the sender. Try changing your online user ID or nickname. Change your mobile phone number and only give it out to close friends. Mobile phone companies and internet service providers can trace bullies, so do not be afraid to report them. Block instant messages from certain people or use mail filters to block emails from specific email addresses. Never reply to bullying or threatening text messages or emails. Report serious bullying, like threats of a physical or sexual nature, to the Police.

If you are being bullied: Tell someone. Spend time with your friends, bullies rarely pick on people in groups. Write down everything that happens, with names and dates.

If you know someone who is being bullied Listen to them and take it seriously. Try to make sure they are never on their own at school. Pass on names of organisations that can help. Tell someone. Never, ever join in.

If you do any of these things you become part of the problem!

Who can help?

Get your Mi Book

For further details on the issues of Bullying and Cyberbullying or for the full range of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) information please go to the electronic flip-book Mi-Book on www.getconnectedsheffield.com/mibook
Copyright 2011 Sheffield Futures. All Rights Reserved

There are many people who can help. Use these contacts for advice and support. Anti Bullying network www.antibullying.net Chat Danger www.chatdanger.com Child Line 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk Mobile Phone App http://m.bullying.co.uk Child Net Sheffield Futures www.childnet-int.com/sorted 0114 201 2800 www.getconnectedsheffield.com Cyber mentors www.cybermentors.org.uk Digizen www.digizen.org Samaritans 0845 790 9090 www.samaritans.org South Yorkshire Police 0114 220 2020 Think u Know www.thinkuknow.co.uk

1809/SF Anti Bullying Poster.indd 1

28/01/2011 11:29

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