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What role should entrepreneurs play in Indias development?

Entrepreneur- a leader who has new ideas and has finance, business acumen to foster economic growth and innovations. India as a developing nation has vast and meticulous set of challenges to face and there are many constraints for solving them. India has got its own vision, set of dreams. Entrepreneurs can play a pivotal role here in making its dream come true of becoming a super-power. Essence of Entrepreneurship is going against time with the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources serving as a change agent! Entrepreneurs can use their innovative skill set to counter social and political problems on the road to growth. Entrepreneur can create large scale employment opportunities, capital formation through domestic saving. India has dearth resources of educated and qualified youth. Entrepreneurs can make use of these resources for growth of Indian economy. Employment is critical problem in a developing nation like India. Entrepreneurs can provide instantaneous and large scale employment. They can play a role in wealth creation and distribution, dispersion of economic power which is essential in long and sustainable growth by not allowing monopolies take the power control and making growth inclusive .This will lead to the overall development of India. India is facing regional inequality in growth where rural area is deprived of developments which are creating huge social problems such as naxalism. Indias mammoth population is constantly increasing pressure on our resources like food, power. Innovative and creative ideas are in much need to maintain demand-supply equilibrium. Moreover Indias economic growth has lifted the lifestyle of people which has opened tremendous new opportunities in various sectors. Indian entrepreneurs are needed to trap these opportunities and turn them into economic development of India. The pursuit of these opportunities requires an indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship! New entrepreneurs should look to the likes of Dhirubhai Ambani, N.R.Narayan Murthy for inspiration and speed up the reforms on track. There are ample opportunities in small businesses in India and such opportunities will transform India in the coming future and become self-reliable in global scenario. Practical and cost effective enterprises are needed to be developed to represent an important segment in economic growth.

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