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Cascading From Header to Lines

Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 1
Setup.......................................................................................................................... 2
Profile Options..........................................................................................................2
Enabling the Attributes............................................................................................2
Transaction.............................................................................................................. 3

Cascading form Header to Line


Cascading the changes form header to Lines in Order Management

Profile Options
OM: Sales Order Form: Cascade Header Changes to Line

Enabling the Attributes

SetupQuick CodesOrder Management

Cascading form Header to Line


Create Sales Order and check the Ware house details in Header

Go to Lines tab

Cascading form Header to Line


Create a Order Line and check the warehouse details in Shipping tab.

Save the Order

Go to header and change the warehouse from MCO to MHO

Now go to line level it will ask you to cascade the changes to Lines.

Cascading form Header to Line


Click on Yes and query the same changes cascaded to the line level.

Cascading form Header to Line


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