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Puspa Ayu Mulatsih 10511241025

Bahan / Ingredients : Gula pasir / sugar Tepung terigu / flour Kuning telur / Egg Yolk Putih telur / Egg Whites Parutan citrun / citrun grated 250 gr 250 gr 15 btr 10 btr sck / to taste

Cara Membuat : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gula pasir dan kuning telur dikocok terlebih dahulu hingga kental. Putih telur juga dikocok tersendiri. Kedua kocokan tersebut ( no 1 dan 2) dicampurkan. Parutan citrun dimasukkan, lalu diaduk perlahan lahan sampai rata. Tepung terigu dimasukkan, diaduk perlahan hingga merata, lalu dicetak panjang panjang satau bulat bulat sesuai selera. 6. Bagian atasnya diolesi dengan kuning telur, lalu ditaburi dengan gula pasir, kemudian dimasukkan ke oven dalam api yang panas, dipanggang hingga matang. How to make : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Granulated sugar and beaten egg yolks until thick beforehand. Well beaten egg whites separately. Whisk the second (no 1 and 2) are mixed. Grated citrun incorporated, then stir gently until blended. Put flour, stirring gently until evenly distributed, and printed a long-term or according to taste flat. 6. The top was smeared with egg yolk and then sprinkled with sugar, then put into a hot oven in a fire, roasted until cooked.

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