Common Tea Pest and Pesticide Use in Nepal

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Common Pests and Pesticides Used in Tea in Nepal

pramod Koirala, Dambar B. Khadka ,Santosh Dhakal ,Jiwan Prava Lama

Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal

The study is conduct to asses the common pests and pesticides uses in tea in Nepal. In
Nepal, tea is consumed daily at almost every household. The study result revealed that
during tea cultivation twenty five types of pesticides is applied. Contamination of
pesticides in commonly used tea is an important unrecognized risk to public health and
can have long term health implications. Even in small doses, continuous consumption can
lead to many adverse health problems. Tea is one of the most potential exportable agri-
products after Nepal's accession to WTO.Still, some of the pesticides applied in tea are
prohibited and restricted pesticides in tea. Organic farming, promoting IPM approach,
application of quality management system and adequate communication among
stakeholders and modern tea pesticides residues analysis are some of the major
approaches for assessing safety in tea cultivation and tea business. This article presents
the existing practices of pesticides application in tea in Nepal.

Key words: Tea, pest, Pesticide, Residue, Safety, Nepal

The origin of tea as a popular wonder drink is steeped in legends. In 17th century, tea
begins to occupy the right place as a popular drink in china (Jhowar, 2002). Lu yu
published first tea classic, contain the detail of cultivation and preparation of tea in china
in 780 (Hill, 1998) and different types of green, black, and Oolong tea is made their first
appearance of Ming dynasty during 1368-1644. In early 8th century green tea was
transferred to Japan for medicinal use (Chu Juneja, 1997). The tea drinking habit
gradually spread along the trade routes of Asia and was introduced to Europe by Dutch
traders in 17th century. In Nepal, tea cultivation was started in 1863 AD. Late Gajaraj
Singh Thapa initiated plantation of tea in Ilam district (Ghimire, 1997). At present tea has
been extended to other districts where tea cultivation is made at commercial scale (Tea
and Coffee news 2000). In Nepal, a total of 16012 hectare of land is occupied with tea
and the current production of tea is 13043 MT. (Statistical Information on Nepalese
Agriculture, 2006)

Growths of tea sector in the country have several advantages. It substitutes the import and
earns foreign currency, generate employment as it is labor intensive, benefit environment,
as it utilizes hilly unproductive land to production of orthodox tea and thus decrease
migration rate from hills to terai. Therefore, its growth develops nations' socio-economic
status. Nepalese orthodox tea due to its smell, unique taste and its color of the extract is
very famous in the international market (Thapa and Shakya, 2006).

During cultivation of tea, many pests attack it. So, tea growers apply several agro-
chemicals including pesticides. Pesticides being toxic in nature do not differentiate
between target and non-target species and threaten the health and well-being of humans
and wildlife in every region of the world (Wassemann 1972). These highly stable
compounds can last for years and decades before breaking down. They are highly toxic,
causing an array of adverse effects, notably death, diseases and birth defects among
human and animals. Specific effect can include cancer, allergies and hypersensitivity,
damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems, reproductive disorders, and
disruption of the immune system (Strecct 1981, Maroni 1990).
In Nepal, 319 types of pesticides by trade name (Insecticides-213, Fungicides-71,
Herbicides-23, Rodenticides-8, Acaricides-2 and others-2) have been registered for use
under Pesticides Act and Rules. Highly persistent types (Chlordane, DDT, dieldrin,
aldrin, heptachlor, mirex,toksafen, BHC, Lindane), Phosphamidon and Organo-mercury
fungicides are banned in Nepal .Large persistent chemical pesticides have been banned
for agriculture and public health from 9th april, 2001 and also hazardous pesticides was
phased out by the government from 9th april, 2001.At present, prohibition on the use of
highly toxic pesticides in tea are Quinalphos, Ethion, Monocrotophos and Phorate
(Palikhe B.R., 2005).
A total of 74 samples were analysed in DFTQC during 1995-2004 for the detection of
pesticides in tea. The laboratory analysis result showed that 22 samples (29.7%) were
positive to pesticides contamination. Among the pesticides detected samples in tea,
12.5% samples showed presence of BHC (range Tr-1.4 ppm) followed by 8.3 %
malathion (range 0.2-10 ppm), parathion and methyl parathion 2.7 % (range 0.2-2.5 ppm
) and by 1.35 % DDT (0.2 ppm ) (DFTQC Annual Bulletin 1994-2004)


Three major tea producing districts in the country representing three different agro-
climatic zones ( Jhapa, Illam and Panchthar districts ) which account for more than 95%
of the total tea production in the country were selected for the survey purpose. The three
greatest tea producing VDC were selected for this purpose. In each VDC of the district
enlisting of largest tea growers were considered and from a single VDC, ten growers
were selected and interviewed for the study purpose. The VDCs selected were Anarmani,
Gaurigunj and Garmani in Jhapa district, Panchakanya, Shreeantu and Phikkal in Illam
district; and Phidim, Yangam, Ranitar in Panchathar district. Interview with structured
questionnaire served as data collection tool. Altogether sixty tea growers were
interviewed for this purpose.

Results and Discussion

The survey results showed that different types of the pesticide are used in tea cultivation
to control variety of pest. The use of organophosphate includes quinalphos, ethion,
malathion, monochrotophus, propanofus, acefate, dichlorovous, chloropyriphos were
found in the tea field to control large verities pest like cater pillar(Latoia sp ,Andraca
bipunctata,Andraca bipunctataGracilaria theivora), leaf roller(Gracilaria
theivora,Stringlina glareola,Hamona coffearia), tea mosquito(Heolipeltis febriculosa),
aphids(Toxopetra aurantii, Empoasca flavescens), jassids(halopeltis spp.), flush worm(Lasperesia
bipunctata) and other pests. Similarly synthetic insecticides such as alfamethryene, cyper
methryene and pyrethroid ester insecticides like fenpropathrin were also used in tea.
Herbicides such as gramoxone, oxyflurene, glyphosphate and 2, 4 D were generally
found to use to control dicot, broad leafs and grass bushes.
Fungicides like copper oxychlorides, hexachonazol, carbandazim, mancozep, and copper
sulphate were used in tea cultivation to prevent from fungal disease and foliar disease
such as red rust (C. paraciticus), black rot(Cephaleuros mycoldea), and blister blight(Corticulum
invisum). To control and prevent the different mites problem during tea cultivation,
accaricides such as dicofol, prapargite, sulphur and fenopthrin were used .The survey also
revealed that use of prohibited pesticides in tea i.e.**quinalphos, ethion, monocrotophos
were still in use. Some of the Pesticide (***dichlorovos) used in tea are under restricted
pesticides which should be used under approval of the APPO (Asst. plant Protection
Officer).Among these pesticides dichlorovos and monocrotophos are included in highly
hazardous group (Ib) of pesticides by WHO. No evidence on application of banned
pesticides by government of Nepal was seen in tea cultivation practice in Nepal. The
details of the survey results were compiled on the Table 2 and Table 3.

Table 2: Common insects and pests in tea

Common name of pests Scientific name
Thrips Andraca bipuntata
Scirtothrips dorsalis
Hallothrips andressi
H tenipennis
Slug caterpillars Latoia sp
Bunch caterpillars Andraca bipunctata
Caterpillar Andraca bipunctata
Leaf roller Gracilaria theivora
Stringlina glareola
Hamona coffearia
Looper Biston suppressaria
Tea mosquito Heolipeltis febriculosa
Aphid Toxopetra aurantii
Empoasca flavescens
Jassids Helopeltis spp
Halopeltis Lasperesia bipunctata
Flushworm Lasperesia bipunctata
Blister blight Corticulum invisum
Black rot Cephaleuros mycoldea
Red rust C. paraciticus
Pink ,purple and red mites Tetranychus biocuatus
A theae
Acerina gosspii
Oligonychus coffeae

Table: 3 Pesticides applied to tea cultivation

S. Types of Trade Common Formulati Frequency Month Sensitive pests
No. pesticides Name of name of the on used
pesticide Pesticides /Group
1. Thiodane Endosulfan Chlorinated 2 January Green Fly
Acaricides, , ,Looper ,Red
Cychlodien Februar slugs, Thrips
e y Aphids,
Insecticides Flushwormes etc.
2. Farsa,Ge Alphamethryen Synthetic 2 April, Tea Mosquito,
m e parathroids Septem Thrips,
3. Flash , **Quinal phos Organopho 3 March, Jassids, Aphids
kinalaux sphate Aug, Broad spectrum
acaricides, Insect
Insecticides (including Miticides)

4. Emite **Ethion Organopho 4 March- Catterpillar ,
sphate August thrips, Red spider,
acaricides, pink .scarlet and
Aliphatic purple mite
5. Monosil **Monocrotoph Organopho 2 April, Systematic (
os sphates Octobe Green
r Fly,halopaltis,Thi
6. Malathion Malathion Organopho 2 Tea mosquito
5% DP sphate March,
Acaricides/ April
7. Propafos Propanophos Organopho 1 or 2 times as Thrips,Aphides,
sphates necessa worms etc.
8. Emidagol imidacloprid Chloro- 1 or 2 times as Termites and
d, Josh nicotinyl necessa other insect
9. Orthene, Acefate Organopho 1 or 2 times as Chewing and
Acecap sphates necessa Sucking pest
10 Ripcord Cypermethrine Synthetic 1 or 2 times as Wide range of
Parathroids necessa pest.
11 Nuvan ***Dichlorovos Organopho 1 or 2 times as Tea mosquito,
76% sphate necessa Jassids,Fly larvae
12 Durmet Chloropyriphos organophos 1 or 2 times as Mosquitos,fly
phate necessa larvae,Aphids
ry other insect and
13 Gramoxo Gramoxone Herbicides 1 July Dicot /Broad
ne Aug leafs,
14 Round up Glyphosphate Organopho 1 March/ Pre-emergence of
sphorus April Dicot /Broad
Herbicides Leafs
15 Goal Oxyfluren 2 Sep, Prevent post
Diphenylet March emergence of
her weeds( used in
Herbicides Young Tea)
16 2.4 D 2,4 D Phenoxy 1or 2 times as Broadleaf weeds
Acetic necessa
Herbicide ry
17. Blitox Copper Oxychlorid 3 Feb,Ap Red Rust
oxychlorides e r, June
18 Contaf Hexachonazol Conazol 1or 2 times as Fungas
necessa Infestation
19 *Na Carbandazim Benzimida 1 or 2 times as Fungus disease

zole necessa and infestation

20. Mancozep Polymeric 1 or 2 times as Wide range of
Dithane, dithiocarba necessa Foliage disease
Mancoplu mate ry
21. Bordeaux Cupper sulphate Copper 1 or 2 times as Fungus disease
fungicide necessa and infestation
22 Dicofol18 Dicofol Bridged 2 Mar. Mite
.5%EC diphenyl April
23. Omite Prapargite Other 2 Mar, Mites, spider

Insecticides April
24 sulphex Sulfur Inorganic 1 March Red spider. And
other mites
25 Dennitol Fenpropathrin Pyrethroid 3 Marh- Mites
Ester May
** Prohibited Pesticides in Tea
*** To be sold and use under official recommendation of APPO (Assistant plant protection Officer)

. Black tea is mostly consumed in Nepal. Nepal's specific geographic, agro-climatic and
environment friendly agriculture system has favored to capture international market. The
major tea trading partner is India where more than 1100 tons of tea was exported last year
whereas 97 tons of was exported to third countries and the local consumption is 25 ton.
All together 7154 no of small farmers are engaged in tea cultivation. There is growing
international and domestic market of tea that is why average growth rate of tea in the
country is 17 percent per annum. In terai, there is the production of black tea where as in
the hilly areas (like Illam and Panchthar districts) orthodox tea is produced and most of
orthodox tea has its international market.

In Nepal, tea industry purchase green tea leaves as a raw material from the tea growers
and process it. Very few have their own tea garden that is insufficient to fulfill the plant
capacity which makes them to additional collection from other growers. The technology
of cultivation of tea in the country transferred from Darjeeling and Assam, India. Mostly
tea technician working in this industry has been trained in India. Due to the suggestion of
Indian technicians and pesticide dealers with open Indian boarder there is uncontrolled
use of pesticides in tea during its cultivation.

Tea cultivation and processing Industry in Nepal

Currently, in Nepal 134 tea states and tea gardens were recorded and among them 89
were already registered at NTCDB to the year 2006. Tea industries in Nepal mainly falls
into three categories i.e. the industries which only process tea, tea industries having tea
garden as well as processing and tea packaging industries concerned to tea export and
import. There are 13 industries in first categories out of them 6 are registered on
NTCDB, 28 in second categories out of them 18 are registered and 20 are in third
categories registered to NTCDB. The tea states still remain to register to NTCDB
accounts for fourty-six. Among the registered tea states and gardens 57 are situated on
Jhapa district, 10 tea states are in Illam, 5 are on Dhankuta and 17 in other districts of
Nepal. The total land used for tea plantation occupy 16012 hectare and total production is
more than 13.68 million kg. The land used for orthodox tea production comprises 7036
hectare and 8976 hectare for CTC tea plantation (NTCDB, 2006). The major CTC tea
plantation area represent mainly Jhapa district and for orthodox tea plantation and
production area in Nepal are hilly district like Illam, Terhathum, Dhankuta and it is
expanding to other hilly area particularly in Sindhupalchowk and Nuwakot.
Sindhupalchwok, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur, Gorkha, Kaski and
Solokhumbu where the tea plantation was recently started but not growth progressively
due to lack of financial adequacy and effective policy implementation for the small
producers, tea cultivation has not been very popular at the farmer's level. (Thapa Ajit
N.S., 2005)

Table 1: The major tea state situated in Jhapa, Illam, and Panchthar
area Area of Amount of
in Plantation Type Tea
SN Name and Address hectare in hactare of Tea process
Kandangwa Tea Garden and Farming
1 P. Ltd. Kumarkhod, Jhapa 20.32 16.26 *Na *Na

H&S Hangchan Tea State

2 P. Ltd., Haldibari Jhapa 61.00 41.00 CTC *Na

Ram Kumars & Sons Tea

3 state ,Jhapa 265.00 254.00 *Na *Na

MS Giri Bandhu Tea state

4 Pvt, Ltd. Buttabarri , Jhapa 246.54 216.74 CTC 365810

Budhakaran and Sons

5 Tea State, Bhadrapur, Jhapa 234.35 216.74 CTC 300000kg

Coperatives State
6 Pvt. Ltd,Bhadrapur ,Jhapa 29.12 101.60 CTC *Na
Danfe Tea Processing
7 co. Pvt. Ltd. Chandragadhi, Jhapa *Na *Na CTC 55000kg


Sankhejung Hill Range Tea processing

8 Industry Pvt. Ltd , Snkhejung-3 ,Illam 17.87 15.27 Orthodox 25000kg
Shree Maha Baharat
9 Tea State,Phakphok-1, Ilam 150.00 100.00 Orthodox *Na
Punam Chiring Leptcha
10 Tea State, Kanyam-2, Ilam 30.54 20.36 CTC and Orthodox *Na
Dhana Hill Tea state
11 Pvt. Ltd. sakhejung ,Illam 9.72 9.16 orthodox *Na
Mist Valley Tea state
12 Jitpur-4, Illam 203.60 76.35 orthodox 100000kg
Mangmalwng Tea State ,
13 Banjho-5, Ilalm 21.12 15.27 orthodox 25000kg
Puwaamai Tea GardenInd,
14 Mangalabare-4, Illam 52.43 20.36 CTC and Orthodox *Na
Shree Deurali Tea State
15 Pvt. Ltd, Sarnguwa-5, Illam 35.00 25.00 CTC and Orthodox *Na
Pathivara Tea State,
16 Panchathar 152.70 55.99 Orthodox *Na
Kanchanjangha Tea State Orthodox, 20000 kg
17 Pvt. Ltd., Phiddim, Panchthar 76.35 71.26 Green Tea 10000kg
Source: NTCDB 2002 National Tea & Coffee Development Board. "Tea 'A' Tea' A souvenir on the Fifth National Tea day
Ropani and Bigha is converted into hectare as 1 Ropani = 0.0509 hectare, 1 Bigha= 0.6773 hectare
*Na-not available

Export and Import scenario of Tea

The total tea production in the year 2005/06 is 13.68 million kg, of which orthodox tea
production covers more than 1.65 million kg and CTC tea covers 12.03 million kg.
Among them more than 95 % orthodox tea was exported while the CTC tea market is
limited to domestic consumption only. The tea consumption rate is 0.35 kg per person
per year in Nepal (NTCDB 2006). The Nepalese tea export has increased from the year
from 2000 to 2005 but in 2006 it was decreased by 80.67 % in the comparison of last
The international market for Nepal CTC tea is limited to India and Pakistan only while
The international demand to Nepal Orthodox Tea expand to Japan, Germany, US and
even to European nation due to its health benefits and good quality. On other hand
continuous efforts of private sector engaged to promote Nepalese tea in international
market particularly in Europe, Japan and boost up the cultivators and processor to acquire
organic certification. Again the introduced tea policy in 2000 is expected to encourage
the tea industry in Nepal (AEC/ FNCCI, 2004).
Table : Tea plantation, total production and export status of Nepalese tea

Plantation area Tot Production Export in

Year in hectare in metric ton metric ton
2000/1 1197 6638.08 69.5
2001/2 12346 7518.58 79.6
2002/3 12643 8198.00 193
2003/4 15012 11651.20 984
2004/5 15900 12606.08 4316
2005/6 16012 13688.24 834
source: NTCDB 2006

Tea is a one of the major cash crops in Nepal. As Nepal orthodox tea has an increasing
demand by international market but it in the international market tea should be safe to its
domestic as well as to the international consumer. The Nepalese tea export is reduced in
current year due to pesticide residue and other inorganic residue that comes either from
agricultural practices such as use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Nepalese tea will
not able to utilize opportunity of WTO membership if it contains banned and prohibited
Plant protection Directorate is being responsible for implementing pesticide act in the
country. Food law is silent in pesticide MRLs in tea. There is no sophisticated laboratory
in the country capable of detecting different pesticides. DFTQC laboratory facility
permits the estimation of DDT, BHC, Malathion and Parathion only and is not sufficient
for analyzing other pesticides. Stakeholders for the promotion of tea sector in Nepal
includes, Plant Protection Directorate, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Tea Coffee
Development Board, Tea association, Farmers association and should unite together for
advocacy campaign for pesticide law enforcement, discourage the use of chemical
pesticides and the promotion of alternative approach such as IPM, organic farming and
the use of bio-pesticides. So, the strict quality control measures such as HACCP
implementation from farm to fork, use of organic fertilizers, promotion of the IPM and
use of the safe and bio pesticides are essential. This will help to facilitate tea trade in the
international market and protection of consumers’ health in the country.

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