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To what extent do cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion?

Conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as strong feeling, usually accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body

Create a poster that depicts the different emotions that a Psych student feels before, during and after a test.

Physiological (biological) Subjective Feeling (cognitive)

Associated Behavior (action)

How do biological and cognitive factors interact? With your group, come up with a MODEL of emotion, starting from the SITUATION or EVENT that could trigger the emotion.

Physiological (biological) Subjective Feeling (cognitive)

Associated Behavior (action)

We appraise the situation/stressor Then, we cope with it

Problem-Focused Coping

Emotion-Focused Coping

Cognitive appraisal seems to influence the emotional reaction, illustrating how cognitive factors interact with emotion

Cognitive and Biological Factors are both essential to emotion They interact in a way that one cannot arise without the other The more elaborate the emotion, or the less frequently one has encountered an emotion (in other words, the more INTENSE) and emotion is, the higher the involvement of deliberate conscious processing

Do you remember details about what, where you were when the following happened?

Theory of Flashbulb Memory (Brown & Kulik) Flashbulb memory = special kind of emotional memory

memories of the circumstances in which one first learned of a very surprising and consequential (emotionally arousing) event. Emotion facilitates memory recall

Neisser & Harsch (1992) Investigated the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster Investigated peoples memory accuracy of the incident 24 hours and 2 years after 40% had distorted memories
Emotion facilitates memory confidence, not accurate recall

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