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Richmond Hotel****

Richmond Hotel****este o adevarata perla a hotelurilor situat in centrul statiunii Mamaia. Hotelul imbina luxul cu tehnologia moderna avand scopul de a crea o ambianta placuta atat pentru cei care vor sa se relaxeze cat si pentru oamenii de afaceri. Camerele de oaspeti sunt dotate si decorate la cele mai inalte standarte.Richmond Hotel **** va pune la dispozitie 34 camere duble matrimoniale,6 camere duble twin,4 camere V.I.P si 3 apartamente. Pe langa cazare impecabila,Richmond Hotel**** ofera toate facilitatile necesare pentru conferinte, seminarii sau evenimente festive. Restaurantul hotelului va poate rasfata capriciile culinare prin preparate romanesti si internationale pentru cele mai rafinate gusturi, avand o capacitate de 80 de locuri unde se pot organiza receptii si evenimente festive. Evenimentele speciale cer locatii cu totul speciale.Indeplineste-ti visul si petrece la noi un sejur placut,asistati indeaproape de experti specializati in organizarea evenimentelor speciale.

Richmond Hotel**** is indeed a pearl of the romanian seaside.Created in 2008, the resort brings together architectural luxury combined with modern technology.Special events needs special places,so the main purpose for us is to create a perfect and unique ambiance. Placed in the center of Mamaia resort ,with a privileged position, Richmond Hotel**** mantains to perfect balance between refinement, style and elegance. Richmond Hotel**** offers you 94 accomodation places,wich provide our clients all the mode conveniences ,as following: 34 rooms with king size beds,6 twin rooms, 4 VIP rooms and 3 apartaments. For business meetings, seminaries, trainings and conferences, Richmond Hotel**** provides a Richmond Academy conference center,equiped with hi-tech multimedia. The hotel offers you an elegant and somptuous restaurant with over 80 seats, the perfect choice parties and other events,and also the ideal place for a romantic dinner with special flavours and refin,music.

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