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Hotel Management in C++

Why Hotel Management?

Home Outside Home Fast growing industry Necessity of automating

Functions Used.
gotoxy(); // used to go to a specific axis point . cprintf(); // used to print formatted output . textcolor(); // used to print text in a specific color . clrscr(); // used to clear the screen . getch(); // used to get char from user but it doesnt echo to the screen . gets(); // used to get input from user including space also . getline(); // same to get input from user including space but this function is also used to get the input from the file where is saved .


Header Files Included

# include<process.h> # include<stdlib.h> # include<stdio.h> # include<conio.h> # include<iostream.h> # include<fstream.h> # include<dos.h> # include<string.h> # include<string.h>

The Log In Screen

The Main Menu

Customer Details.

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