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Fixed, Fluid and Flexible: Rethinking Teaching & Learning Spaces

Jeanne Leader, Sara Frizelle, Lolly Smith

Stanford d.School approach

Problem definition not problem solving Build to Think

Innovators not Innovation Space reinforces the idea that there are no fixed answers or questions Teamwork - innovation is a group activity


Multiple teaching styles Individual space Group work & collaboration Limited time to reconfigure

Large writing surfaces Standard technology Ability to leave work & return to later Plug and play

Study areas

Multiple learning styles Individual needs

Group work Plug, play, display


Work spaces

Privacy Collaboration

Conference areas

Formal Informal
Communication Transparency




What are your values and beliefs? How are these ideas supported as you plan and renovate spaces?

How do you create opportunities to engage with each other?

How do you manage group and individual needs?

Photos courtesy of KI Furniture and Steelcase


Work to eliminate the ideas that there is a right classroom setup

Moveable whiteboards for student spaces

Design an alternative meeting (huddle) room Design a classroom using fluid principles

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