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CommunityBased Tourism in Vila da Volta

Logic Model 5/6/12 Emily Kirkland


time Francisco and Meninina's time The Volta CBT committee's time CV Starr funding Training materials, workshops, advice, and some financial support from local partners (Terramar, Comisao Pastoral, local university students, county government)


Training workshops for tour guides, cooks, and other CBT members Scientific study of the mangrove area by a university student from Fortaleza (species present, ecological importance, best way to handle visitors to the mangroves) Creation of publicity materials (video, pamphlets, brochures, T-shirts) Construction of a wooden walkway in the mangrove, if feasible Formation of partnerships with hotel owners and tour operators in Canoa Quebrada


guides, cooks, and committee members have some training in how to host guests and how to run a small business Promotional tour for hotel owners, tour operators, other potential partners At least one partnership formed with a businessowner in Canoa Quebrada By the end of the summer: tourists begin to arrive on a semi-regular basis


incomes for CBT members Greater awareness of the importance of mangroves among both Volta residents and tourists

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