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WAVETEK RETRO MANUAL MODELS 3003-3006 SIGNAL GENERATOR WAVETEK MODELS 3003-3006 SIGNAL GENERATOR ‘This document cantisiforaton proprietary to Wart. The infomation inthis docu |snotobe used or duplicated in any mame without the pia approal, in wring, of Wave, Wavetek Communications Division 5808 Churehnan Bypast Taeanapois, IN 46203-6109 (400)285-5356 Gintes.so7e Fue (17782-4607 Rav Manual Pat No 510-00-002¢ WARRANTY \Waverek warans that ll Products manufcrured or procured by Wavetek conform co Wavetek’s published specificstion and are fee fom defects ‘inmates and workmanship fora period ofone(1) yar rom the dace of delivery tthe original Buyer, when wed under normal operating conditions ld within the service conditions fr which they were designed. This warracy is no ansfermable and doesnot apply used or demonstration produc. ‘The obligation of Wavetek sng from a Warranty elim shall be limited to repaiing,or ais option, replacing widhout charge, any assembly or componene (except bareies) which in Waveteks sole opinion proves tobe defective within the sope ofthe Warany. nthe event Wavetekis mot ble vo maa, epato replace nonconforming defective pars or components oa condition as warranted within a resonable ime afer eeipt thereof, Buyer shal recive rediein the amount ofthe orignal invcied pie ofthe product. ‘Wavetek must be notified in writing ofthe defec or nonconfocmicy within the Waranty period and the affeced Product rexured to Waverck’s factory, designated Service Provider ot Authorized Service Center within hic (30) days after discovery of such defector noncoafoemiy. Buyer shall repay shipping charges an insurance for Products rerumed to Wavetek os designated Service Provider for warranry sevice, Wavetck o ic designated Service Provider shall pay costs fr return of Producto Buyer. have noresponsibiiy for any defector damage caused by improper storage improper instalation, unauthorized modification, misuse, rneqlec, inadequate maintenance, accident ot for any Product which has been repaid oc tered by anyone othe than Waverek ots authorized ‘epresencaive orn accordance with instructions fumished by Wavetek. “The Warrany described above is Buye’sle and exclusive remedy and no other waranty, whether written o oa, expressed orimplied by statute ‘occoure of dealing shall apply. Wavetek specifically disclaims the implied waranies of merehantabliy and ines fo particular purpose. No Sitemene, representation, aplement, of understanding, orl oe writen, made by an agen, distribute, or employee of Wavetek, which sot ontinedinthe foregoing Waranty willbe binding upon Wavetek, unless mae in wrtingand execute dby an authorized represeneative of Waverc. {Undeeno creumstence shall Wavetek be liable fo any direc, indirect. spesal,ieidental, orconsequential dumages. expenses, oloses, ncn tons of profits, based on contractor, or any oer legal theory Extended Warranty Programs Extended warranties and sevice contact are avilable fr new and curcads ned equipment for 39 aditiona cost Contact the Customer ‘Service Departmen (00 1-1198) for details pertaining eo extended watranes and emvce conte Return Authorization Procedure “The customer MUST obain a RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER from the Customer Service Departmen (800 851-1198) pir co {eturning sn equipment for wartancyo¢non-warancy repair. Wavetok azepts aa bli for any instrument or subassembly reeuned the factory without this umber. Any corespondencereguing retumed instrumens or subassemblies should be referenced ro that number,

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