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A Primer on Taxation and Development

Richard M. Bird

Approaches to Taxation
Equity Pay for what you get. Efficiency Each individual will pay a marginal tax for collective goods and services that is just equal to the marginal benefits he or she receives.

Tax paid in proportion to ability to pay. The principal aim of redistributive taxation is not to make the poor poorer nor richer.

Objectives of Tax Policy

Growth Distribution Stabilization

To provide the resources needed for public sector capital formation and other necessary development-related expenditures. Many countries have considered to encourage private investments in new physical capital through tax incentives.

The characteristically unequal distribution of income in poor countries should at least have the virtue of permitting a higher rate of economic growth. In other countries where rich spend rather than save, redistributive tax policy is a more efficient way of producing growth.

The characteristic of the tax system most relevant to the objective of price level and balance of payments stability is its elasticity with respect to the changes in the level of income. Properly structured taxes can help loosen both the immediate and the long-term import constraint on growth.

Administrative aspect of taxation is overwhelmingly important. Any necessary interventionist component of tax policy should be as general in nature as possible and should not depend on the discretionary decisions of officials.


Personal income tax is the only significant component of tax system which has the potential of being fair. Increasing income tax will discourage entry into the labor force.


Tax reforms are constrained by countless political and social conditions peculiar to that country and time. Prerequisites for a successful tax reform: (1)explicit statement of policy objectives (2)theoretical model explicitly relating the instruments to the objectives (3)empirically grounded assessment of all relevant initial and final conditions (4)clear understanding of political, social and economic context

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