Base Zip Sheet1

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Base 3-4 Zip Front


(Air Technique)


(Jam Technique)

Position Alignment


Flow To

Flow Away Pass Rush

1) Squeeze Outside contain 2) Check CBR rush. 3) Fold over top

Coaching Points
1) Vs. TE play Jam Technique 2) Two-point staggered stance, inside foot up 3) Keep shoulders parallel to LOS


Air Technique Outside knee 1) Leverage C weak side of the of OT to near Gap 2) formation back Spill all back side pulls or ANY kick outs 2 Technique over Weak side weak OT OT Weak side B Gap to chase

2 Technique over OC OC Strong A Gap to chase

Attack weak B Gap tight rush Attack Gap and react to ball down the side B Gap and LOS with GREAT EFFORT! react to ball.

2 Technique over Strong side strong OT OT Strong side C Gap to chase

Attack strong 2 way go on Attack Gap and react to ball down the side A Gap and Center, tight LOS with GREAT EFFORT! react to ball. rush in either A Gap. Attack strong 2 way go on Attack Gap and react to ball down the side C Gap and strong OT, tight LOS with GREAT EFFORT! react to ball. rush either strong B or C Gap. 1) Squeeze Play coverage or 2) Check CBR blitz called. 3) Fold over top 1) Vs. no TE play Air Technique 2) 3-point stance, inside hand down 3) Angle body to the V of TE neck 4) Jam push TE back through outside shoulder and react to ball

Jam Technique over TE V of the neck 1) Leverage D of the TE Gap 2) Spill all back side pulls or ANY kick outs Strong B Gap to scrape



Straddle outside OG to Lead foot of the OG Back (Heels at 4)

Stay in cutback Play coverage or 1) Read and attack to ball alley and shoot blitz called. 2) Defeat all blocks en route to ball to daylight. 3) Spill/Squeeze depending on support 4) Vs. pass get to zone, read QB, break on ball. Stay in cutback Play coverage or 1) Read and attack to ball alley and shoot blitz called. 2) Defeat all blocks en route to ball to daylight. 3) Spill/Squeeze depending on support 4) Vs. pass get to zone, read QB, break on ball.


Straddle inside foot of the OG (Heels at 4)

OG to Lead Back

Strong A Gap to Scrape

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