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What is still at stake . . .

CLWSC* requested at the formal rate hearing that their 71% increase be effective October 2010 instead of March 2011:
Prior to October 2010


What we are paying now 38% Increase


Proposed rate retroactive to October 2010








. . . they want to add another $258 to our annual bills.

*Source: Canyon Lake Water Service Company, PO Box 742, Canyon Lake, Texas 78133.Selected data.

CEWR presented compelling evidence in the formal rate hearing to the ALJ
Major Protest Issues Use purchase price or book value to calculate rate base Trending study( inventory of equipment) Customer/developer contributions (CIAC) Used and useful plant equipment Depreciation ROE/ROI calculation Affiliated transactions
Total $$ at Issue
* TCEQ has not developed a final position on this item.

$$$ at issue
Purchase Price ~$4M ~$ 3 M ~$ 3 M * ~$ 1 M ~$ 3 M

~$ 0.5M
~ $14.5 M

CEWR needs your help & donations to raise $25,755 for our legal costs to close out the rate protest and win.
Critical legal events to win the final rate order
May 12 Briefs/Reply Briefs written briefs and closing legal arguments
to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

The Challenge
$ 9,895
$ 4,975

July 12 Rate Case Expense Hearing separate hearing to challenge CLWSCs

rate case cost claims they want to charge the ratepayers in addition to their requested rate increase.

Sep 12 Briefs/Reply Briefs - the final closing arguments by both sides to the ALJ
that can decide final rate order recommendation to the TCEQ Commission. Nov12

$ 2,945

Proposal for Decision- ALJs written discussion and evaluation of expert

testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. ALJ makes comprehensive finding of fact and conclusions of law on all contested issues to the full TCEQ Commission for approval of the final water rate order.

$ 7,940

Feb 13 TCEQ issues final rate order.

Donate to win and insure we have reasonably priced water !


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