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6 Virtues
6 Paramitas are necessarily imperfect, therefore called virtues at this point:

5 paths

10 bhumis
Ordinary beings

1. generOsity 2. discipline 3. patience 4. exertiOn 5. MeditatiOn 6. prajna

10 Perfections
1. generOsity
(Emphasized on the Path of Seeing)

1 2 3

Gathering merit; practice of 6 virtues: indirect cause of buddhahood.


Bridge to transcendence; from virtue to perfection.


Realization of emptiness; 3-fold purity. The generation of the absolute mind of awakening. The beginning of Paramita practice: direct cause of buddhabood. The first stage of bodhisattva realization.

1. Fully Joyful

Experience of delight in realization of emptiness. Attainment of 12 qualities, each of which is one hundredfold. Ability to give ones body without suffering.

2. discipline 3. patience 4. exertiOn 5. MeditatiOn 6. prajna 7. skill 8. aspiratiOn 9. pOwer 10. wisdOM

4 5


Gradually increasing realization of emptiness; like waxing of the moon

2. Stainless 3. Brilliant 4. Radiant 5. Difficult to Accomplish 6. Actually Brought About 7. Far-Gone 8. Immovable 9. Excellent Intelligence

No practice

No More Learning 10. Cloud of

No more training. Nothing remains to be done; attainment of full realization, Buddhahood


11. Total Light

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