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National Diploma in sport Unit 17 Sports Nutrition AO4 Task Describe the role of micronutrients in sport and exercise

performance Roles: Exercise-related functions and dietary sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins Exercise-related functions and dietary sources of minerals Dietary requirements and rationale for increased micronutrient Task You must complete a PowerPoint presentation on the roles and functions of the micro nutrients You must give examples of their relevance to sport Explain the terms vitamins and minerals Explain water soluble and lipid soluble vitamins Explain the terms essential and non essential vitamins Explain whether athletes require more vitamins than a normal person State the roles of minerals and explain how having a deficiency in minerals can cause health problems

Date set: 15/05/12 Date completed: 30/05/12 AO4 Describe the role of micronutrients in sport and exercise performance PASS Candidates provide a basic description of the role of micronutrients in sport and exercise performance. They include brief information on dietary sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and minerals. They have difficulty in providing a rationale for increased micronutrient requirements in athletes. MERIT Candidates provide a detailed description of the role of micro nutrients in sport and exercise performance. They include well-developed information on dietary sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and minerals and provide a sound rationale for increased micronutrient requirements in athletes. DISTINCTION Candidates provide a comprehensive description of the role of micro nutrients in sport and exercise performance. They include in-depth information on dietary sources of water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and minerals and provide a thorough rationale for increased micronutrient requirements in athletes

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