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In Twiga cement Public Relation officer refer to a person who creates mutual relationship and maintaining relationship of an organization

and public or stakeholders, in generally public relation refers to the art or science of establishing and providing a favorable relationship with the public and an organization. In this case there are so many function of PRO in a competitive environment so as to maintain the reputation and development in Twiga Company.

To advertise the product, as a PRO in Twiga Cement Company create an advertisement in terms of price, new product by doing promotion through different media so as to reach to the intended people or user. For example Twiga Cement through roads post, National stadium, in many news articles like the guardian.

To create media relation, Media can be referred to a channel where by information is passed to the intended place for example, television, magazine and news paper, the core function of media is to search, gathering, and transmitting information to the require people or public. Twiga Cement PRO always chooses the nature of that media make relationship with gatekeepers and choose the target people, transmit that information. In television program Tanzania broadcasting cooperation in Radio chosen TBC Taifa through that media the company gets so many customer, also got the chance to be known world wide for example South Africa and also the media helps the company to maintain its reputation incase it can appear any problem. Apart from that through media Twiga Cement has sponsored different programs such all series of saboratis.

To create government relation; through the quality of the product procedures by the company, by the tax it pay daily, through tax a government can control tax for the company.

In any case the PRO in Twiga Cement played this role for creating good relationship for not producing illegal product that are forbidden by the government example the product, any product that are in Tanzania must pass through TBS first so that they can cross check the quality of the product. As PRO of Twiga Cement always check the quality of his product company and assure that it is not going out of government business law. Also it helps to maintain the organization Republic to get lots of customers.

Employees Relation, Employees are the labours ability or manpower for conducting a certain work in a certain place. By maintaining good relationship between both the upper and lower employees the organization will maintain its development.

As PRO of Twiga Cement the relationship between employees within an organization is going well and develop much due to ways communication that means both two side communication feedback from bottom to top and from top to bottom in this case we became the edge competitors that always lead in competition among Cement Companies.

By good relation between top and bottom employees lead to commitment among workers to do the work effectively. Example by giving high salary to the employees, by giving them

promotion, sponsor them in different places for further studies, motivation of workers to work hard.

To practice it and ex- research (Source of information) by gathering information and analyzing that information a researcher to gather different information on how others do so that you can make the best on your organization.

As a PRO of Twiga Cement always make research on how the fellows competitors do in terms of price, promotion and continuous selling process.

PRO of Twiga Cement achieved the term of research that way the organization is always a crown competitor than other tail follower companies by being a good researcher the organization always end in success in competitive environment. Due to this Twiga cement got enhance of growing other branches like South Africa and many other regions in Tanzania.

The relevant research techniques are as follows 1) Identification of Twiga Cement issue/ problem 2) Collection of data i. ii. Secondary data collection Primary data collection

3). Data analysis of what you found in Twiga Cement issue. 4) Data recommendation

5). Implementation of findings.

Financial Relation:- This is for both externally and internally financial relation. Twiga cement has achieved much in price fixing. It sells its cement in a very cheap price so that a person of any life standard can buy both lower and upper class of citizen can buy, one package of bag of cement is 15000/=.

Also make good relation in financial with investors who invest in your company, good example, Twiga cement 1998 the company was nationalized with scancen of Norway and Swedfund. It maintains its financial relation with these investors till it led in 2005 increased another investor from subsidiary. PRO of twiga cement played a big role in financial relation both externally and internally. To maintain

Community Relation; Community is public that surround the environment, any PRO must have a good relationship with community example sponsoring social action programs e.g. building schools, sponsoring in sports, selects sponsored partners; As PRO of twiga cement being played a big role of creating relationship between organization and community by national football support in Tanzania as mean Simba and Yanga by giving them uniforms, balls for playing, also sponsoring programmes in media like series in TBC and some other programmes in TBC Taifa Radio. This lead Twiga cement to become the edge in competition because the community will support it and play part with it which will lead to development

Crisis management: Crisis is issues/ problem that might hinder the organization development PRO must prepare strategic in advance to avoid another crisis in an organization.

PRO should always anticipate before the crisis to happen. Make sure there is a committee to deal with that crisis.

PRO of twiga cement play a big role because company have an organization for solving problems, example, all employees have healthy insurance that if they got any problem they can get free treatment, also the company have security insurance example fire preventing insurance and it got security to guide or safeguard the company.

PRO of Twiga cement played this role thats why there is no negative reputation or disaster crisis of destruction like fire from 1956 to 2010. it leads to maintenance of development and shows its strength.

Investors Relationship; PRO takes into account that the aggregate disposable income of multicultural groups is growing, report should be done to help morale of investors towards the organization

As a competitors who hold Twiga cement PRO have good relationship with company investors that why it never interpreted wrong with fellow competitors due to frequently development growth of an organization.

Crisis communication: Crisis as the catastrophe which can hinder an organization; PRO of any company make the problem known to the relevant people especially internal employees. As a PRO in Twiga cement make sure that he or she create proactive plans rather than reactive plans for different crisis prior, during and after the occurrence. Also he or she need to sense if any crisis might facee the organization such as employee strikes so he/ she is responsible to persuade them not to do so for example in Twiga Cement company PRO is so proactive because since the company has been termed there is no any strikes which has happened.

Publicity is an organization function that includes ongoing activities to ensure that the organization has a strong public image. As a PRO in activities of publicize the public to understand the organization and its product or series. A PRO in an organization of twiga cement develop many different forms of positive publicity, from promotional activities to marketing campaigns, for example PRO of twiga cement publicize the community through television by their product to be used in construction of national stadium also in price offering to their customers by doing all these a company has got many achievement comparing to their competitors.

To analyze emergence plan, a public relations personal should always have a plan is ready. Incase something does not work accordingly. In Twiga cement company, PRO make sure that there is compensation of money or health care if there is an increase of time of working hours or also incase when someone falls sick, five emergency, a PRO trying to face the organization that is employers and employees so as to look on how they could help a person who has got accident

Staff mentorship: Is guiding and sometime trains the staff on good public relation services to clients, that includes good customer services good services good staff image to the public and being good listener when need arises. A PRO in Twiga cement company has create staff mentorship to the employees by advising the employee to be response to their customer income of setting their product by giving information to the customer on how the product can be found, on how to use it and the profit which a customer can earn by using Twiga cement. Also a PRO helping the customer on controlling environment by putting different measure on empty bags of Twiga cement after the product has been used, where by a customer can be able to resell these empty bags of cement product to the company as the way of controlling the environment from waste. By doing these a company has create a good image to the community than other competitors.

Assuring good working condition: This is to make sure every staff member is comfortable with the working environment in the organization and no problems are encountered by any employee. A PRO of Twiga cement company negotiate with the employer after he has been

found act that the employee are not comfortable with the environment their working such as to good equipments like gloves, glasses, special for eye protection, gunboats. Issues management; Any issue that arises concerning the organization is a responsibility of the public relation personnel to handle and if necessary find ways to solve it before it goes out of control as PRO of Twiga cement I succeeded to issue the management about the arises of different issues concerning the organization as the result the organization services till this moment without even a single stake thats all about the issue management frequently.

Preparing special events; All events that involve the external publics such as various competition for customers, luncheons, exhibitions, dinner events. These helps the organization to create close relationship with the external public also to advertise the organization Brand. As (PRO) I spent my time to make sure that every 1st of every month we have our exhibition in different areas (Regions) in Tanzania. So as to market our product.

To maintain industry relations: Fostering a good relationship with other organizations belonging to the same industry as our organization. As Twiga cements PRO I always seek friends so we cooperate with them in different issues for the development of our organization. Also this enable our organization to adopt new technology used by our partners and exchanging, different skills concerning our production, supply , marketing and hence to get feedback.

Some of our partners which we cooperate in such away are Mbeya cement, Tanga cement, Tembo cement, And Simba cement; on other hand are also competitors of our organization. Event management organizing events for the sorewel being of the employees such as open day, sports day, birthdays, Fuels this enables the organization to create closeness relationship among its members. As Twiga cement PRO is my dut to arrange these events only for the betterment of my organization. Thats why there is good relationship among staffs members employees and workers.

The role which must be clamed by PRO in on effort to create consistency between organization goals and society/ public expectations are as follows. PRO make strategy development; which can lead to the development goals of an organization, in thus case a PR must act as follows.

(A) Defining role and mission The role of twiga cement is always defined by PRO, the role of twiga cement organization are to insure production of cement is available in many areas to fulfill the need of cement constructions to people PRO of twiga cement company also is responsible to determine/ define the mission of company these mission are long term mission. a) Produce much cement abrodly b) To ensure maintenance of target customers c) The growth of company centers widely example Wazo Hill Dar es salaam, South Africa, d) Determines key results areas (SWOT analysis.

PRO of Twiga Cement Company is responsible in determine the general result of the company as weakness, strength, opportunity and threats of the company.

In strengths, PRO checks as follows:i. He controls mission levels, so as to build a three pillars of sustainable development such as economy, ecology and social responsibilities.

In opportunity, PRO searches the opportunity which can be placed in company. As Twiga Cement Company it has several opportunity examples i. ii. iii. iv. v. To gain more customers To open many branches all over the world. To have different quality of products apart from cement Opportunity to engage with other investors in different countries apart from Italy. Opportunity to adopt new technology

In threats, PRO face confident to compete with external and internal environment challenges example. i. To be the cut edge with company competitor example Simba, Company, Tanga company etc in terms of price, maintain customers growth

B. PRO is responsible to select and set objectives

PRO of Twiga cement company is responsible in selecting objectives, Twiga cement company objectives are as follows:i. ii. iii. iv. v. Capture customers target Growth of company abroadly Cut the edge of competitors Maintain level of price Advance in technology in term of production.

C. Communicating and implementing PRO of Twiga Cement Company after the final perceiving of product is responsible to advertise product widely in different media so as ii. To maintain price growth competition, PRO of Twiga cement company, struggle in price competition, so as to be the cut edge with its competitors example import cement abroad with price 13,500/= T shillings while 11000/= is one bag of cement price in Tanzania shillings. iii. To maintain target customers, PRO maintain by producing quality product, open branches so as to reach to customer on time, maintain price for lower customers and upper customers price. iv. To preserve natural environment, PRO of Twiga cement company preserve environment by collecting usable empty bag of twiga cement product they collect those as from their customers by offering cash to those customers. v. To maintain reputation of company brand by producing quality product, preserve environment so as not to harm the community.


Maintain relationship with government, PRO is responsible with this by paying tax, and produce legal product.

In weakness, PRO must be ready to overcome the weakness that appears in the organization in Twiga cement company there are same few weakness which can be over comed few years to come, these weakness are :i. ii. iii. Unable to reach rural people in country Failure to control price when the economy face deflation in the country. Lech of effective newly technology to capture the customers targets PRO of Twiga cement playes a big role in communicating section with the community by advising them to buy the product of the company.

PRO played a role in creating goals reachment of an organization by Boundary spaning PRO plays a role in bringing people view inside the organization and send again feedback to the people/ publics.

PRO of Twiga Cement Company played this role through Advertising and collection of feedback to the publics about company by communicating through internal magazine and news views about company.

Through this the companies create good relationship with community and it made maintainable of strength of the company to reach it goals and satisfy their customers.

It also helps to determine the public opinion about this Twiga cement company.

To communicate organization strategy In creating consistence between organization and public expectation or desire the public relation officer play a serious role. That is to say the Public Relation officers have the obligation to make sure that the public is aware to the strategy of an organization.

Both internal and external public need to be served or given awareness about organization strategy as far as the mission and vision is concerned. In communicating organization strategy the Public Relation officer need to ensure that.

He/ she disseminate the strategy to the public through communication the public relation officer will be able to disseminate the strategic plan of an organization to both internal and external public.

Internal public, as the Public Relation Officer of Twiga cement company is needed to make sure that your in the serior executive team when strategic plans are enacted so that you can communicate them to the public internal the organization such as employee from different department for example the strategy of Twiga cement to improve production need to be known to all workers in the company. External public; for the part of external public of Twiga cement the Public Relation Officer is responsible to disseminate different strategy planned by the company and hence create good consistency between an organization and the

public expectations. The public opinion should be included in the organization strategy plan.

To identify the key public and develop appropriate message and media or channel, there are different channel which can be used to give out message to the public by knowing the nature of the media and the type of public your communicating to you can be assured that the message reach the public and hence create consistence between an organization and the public. This can be through different advertisement to the media there are different advertisement of Twiga cement such as in television, radios and internet also in news papers.

To make sure that the public adopt the strategy, so the Public Relation Officer should make sure that the public adopt to the strategy plan in order to create consistence between an organization and the public when internal public adopt the strategy will work hand well to improve the Twiga company production.

Building the cooperate brand and managing reputation if the company brand is strong then the company performance in the market will be successful especially in selling the product. Some of the scholars argued about this taking an example of walled acquel ones spoke it takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy

For any organization to success need good name or good image to the public once the company reputation is destroyed it is hard to restore it. So the Public Relation Officer is

responsible to prospect the image of the company if anything can happen in the matter of destroying the company image the Public Relations Officer need to sense it and try to solve the issue he /she can pursued the public The Public Relation Officer should maintain Brand, the public relation officer should make sure that the strong brand name is maintained so that the Twiga cement company will succes in selling the product all over the world as the days goes.

So the Public Relation Officer play a great role in creating strong Brand to help the Twiga company. Basing on Twiga Cement Company as on organization we can have different recommendation as far as the role of public relation officer (PRO) is concerned, in an effort to create consistence between an organization goals and society or public expectation. There should be corporate communication between public relation officer and top management, in order to develop an organization especially Twiga cement company should create proper and good communication especially the top management and relation officer for example during strategy plan the Public Relation Officer of twiga cement company should be involved. Also the top management in our company should multiple the trust to the public relation officer, the public relation officer in our company are trusted but we advice the organization especially the top management to multiple the trust.the management should communicate the confidential information of Twiga cement company to the public relation officers (PROs) and the top management should listen to the public relation officers (PROs).

Also as a public relation officer we need to prove our existence to the company through their different activity such as creating strong brand and the name of the company their will be no doubt to earn management support as far as their existence is observed.

As a public relation officer we need to broaden or widen our knowledge, the organization have got different function which touch the society or public directly as a public relation officer now you need to learn as quickly as possible what is going on in an organization and also way it is like that. Due to this it will be easily to communicate with the public and earn their trust to our organization of Twiga Cement Company.

There is a need to develop proactive plan rather than reactive plan, as a PRO we are issue oriented people so we need to understand qickly what issue is going on outside our organization and develop communication policy which will help the organization to solve different problem even prior the problem during and after so as a PROs we need to help our organization to create proactive plan.

Conclusively, by looking to the organization above of our choice Twiga cement company you come to notice a number of function which the public relation officers (PROs) can deal with them and are even dialing with them in their day to day activity of facilitating company goals or plan in s competitive environment of 21 century where there is a number of competitors outside the country and inside the country such as Simba cement company

and also Tembo cement company so the public relation officer have got a number of functions to have competitive edge in this century. The Public Relation Officer of Twiga Company also as accompany public relation officer we have a number of roles to play in an effort to create consistence between organization goals and society or public expectations. This role of public relation officer come in when facilitation of company function is going on as a public relation we have a number of roles to play such as considering public input during strategic plans in an organization. So the organization succes of any type depend much on the role and function of Public Relation Officer as far as the public relation officer give the input from the public and hence the public relation officer (PROs) should be given higher opportunities in order to help the organization to reach its goals.

REFERENCES Gregory, A (2000), Planning and managing Public Relations Company;Wales, Creative profit and design.

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Clarke C. (1997), The hand book of Strategy Public Relations and Integrated Communications: New York, McGraw-Hill.

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