Age Characters Tics

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1.Time to lay right foundation(1/2he will learn in first 5 years;3/4in 7 years*Help him to realize Gods love and care, Help him to learn right attitude toward God.

2.Very active but tires very easily ; cant sit at one Place*interrupt with story,skit,teach memory verse, action song)frequent rest periods

3.No co ordination in fingers.*cant draw colors properly, if they want let them draw. teach with fingers games,songs

4.Learn thru 5 senses.*hear the story, see the pictures, want to touch teaching aids, give them to eat to taste(5loaves &2 fish), Give perfume to smell (women with alabaster)

5.Very impressionable Like wet cement*Dont tell about ve things of God;like he beats you,puts in fire. But teach God loves you.

6.very curious to know things asks questions*answer him patiently ,briefly

7.They can concentrate only for 57min.*Prepare to teach the story within this time, if cant, Teach for some time and let them sing

8.Cant understand mysteries*dont use tough words, but simple words

9.They say I, mine,No*teach them to share

10.They are good imitators*teach truths thru dramatic play .Teacher should show good exemplary life.

11.They are interested in present things Dont tell history or time(yesterday)*teach the story in present tense

12.They will imagine Things* teach all imaginary are not true .tell true stories.ex;they imagine Noahs ark and Jesus sleeping on the boat are same


are naturally fearing*dont teach unnecessary fears, teach the fear of God

14.They believe what their teacher teaches*teach truths ,no lies

15.They long for belonging ,love &secure*Teach Gods love, care ,protection

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