Digital Textbooks: Garth Holman Mike Pennington

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Digital Textbooks

Garth Holman Mike Pennington

Beachwood City Schools

Digital Learning in a constructivist atmosphere 1. Student-driven initiatives -Digital Textbooks 2. Teacher-driven initiatives -online courses (your kids can join) 3. Digital Projects Gallery (S.S. Dept.) 3. District-driven initiatives -1:1 initiatives -iPads

Creating Digital Content: WHY?

Q: Whether you call it a blog, website or digital textbook, what's the point of students creating digital content? A. It creates a skills-based, constructivist environment where students do not just learn. Students are open to create knowledge, apply it to their lives and "show what they know" using functional skills relevant to their world.

Creating Digital Content: WHAT

We have previously discussed: A. Student blogs/blog buddies B. Common classroom website C. Autonomous webquest D. Diigo Group Today we will discuss: A. Wikipedia insta-books B. Digital Textbooks

Wikipedia Book Creator

1. Create an interactive book from Wikipedia articles 2. Everything is automatically cited and organized 3. Downloadable as a PDF 4. Only takes 4 easy steps! 1. Enable "create a book" 2. Find the articles you need 3. Create a title 4. Download

Wikipedia Book Creator

Now it's your turn!

Digital Textbook:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Built in Wiki Digital Footprints/legacy 100's of student contributors (so far) Students teaching students Peer editing Multimedia content Expert Interviews (coming this week-Thursday skying from California)

Other Web 2.0 to Build Digital Content iAuthor k12 Bookemon lulu InstaGrok

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