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Multigenre Independent Study

Intended audience: 11 University English Unit topic for the lesson: Multigenre project based on the novel The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay Time frame: This will be an independent study. 2 computer lab sessions are needed and 8 20 minute end of the period sessions. The rest is done for homework. There will be 2 teacher-student conferences where the process and progress is discussed. The great aspect about multigenre projects is that this work cannot be plagiarized from the internet. The students must use a higher level on Bloom`s Taxonomy scale to complete many of these tasks. This project would be very good to handout toward the beginning of the year and to have them working on in tandem with learning some of the basic concepts, like poetic devices at the same time as a class. I have included some detail to the different genres that I want included to help the students think more deeply about the novel. I think this is necessary to do for a senior English University bound class. I also have places a lot of emphasis of the thesis being strong and carried strongly throughout all the genres. This project is meant to prepare the students to think with their own voice in their writing, whatever genre it may be. Curriculum Expectations: Reading
Making Inferences

1.4 make and explain inferences of increasing subtlety about texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, supporting their explanations with well-chosen stated and implied ideas from the texts
Extending Understanding of Texts

1.5 extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them
Analysing Texts

1.6 analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, or themes they explore, examining how various aspects of the texts contribute to the presentation or development of these elements
Critical Literacy

1.8 identify and analyse the perspectives and/or biases evident in texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, commenting with growing understanding on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power
Text Forms

2.1 identify a variety of characteristics of literary, informational, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning

Text Features

2.2 identify a variety of text features and explain how they help communicate meaning
Elements of Style

2.3 identify a variety of elements of style in texts and explain how they help communicate meaning and enhance the effectiveness of the texts Writing
Identifying Topic, Purpose, and Audience

1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing tasks
Generating and Developing Ideas

1.2generate, expand, explore, and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate

1.3locate and select information to effectively support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate
Organizing Ideas

1.4identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and selecting the organizational pattern best suited to the content and the purpose for writing
Reviewing Content 1.5 determine whether the ideas and information gathered are accurate and complete, interesting, and effectively meet the requirements of the writing task Form 2.1 write for different purposes and audiences using a variety of literary, informational, and graphic forms Voice

2.2 establish a distinctive voice in their writing, modifying language and tone skilfully and effectively to suit the form, audience, and purpose for writing 2.3 use appropriate descriptive and evocative words, phrases, and expressions imaginatively to make their writing clear, vivid, and interesting for their intended audience 2.4 write complete sentences that communicate their meaning clearly and effectively, skilfully varying sentence type, structure, and length to suit different purposes and making smooth and logical transitions between ideas 2.5 explain, with increasing insight, how their own beliefs, values, and experiences are revealed in their writing


Sentence Craft and Fluency

Critical Literacy


3.1 use knowledge of spelling rules and patterns,

a variety of resources, and appropriate strategies to recognize and correct their own and others' spelling errors 3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations 4.3 select a variety of types of writing that they think most clearly reflect their growth and competence as writers, and explain the reasons for their choice

Producing Finished Works


Multigenre Project
This Multigenre Project is based on the novel The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay.

What is a genre? A genre is a type of writing. A poem is a genre. A traditional research paper is a genre. A newspaper editorial is a genre. So are plays and diaries and cartoons and billboards. What is a multi-genre essay? It's a collection of pieces written in a variety of genres, informed by your research on a particular subject, that presents one or (more likely) more perspectives on a research question or topic. A multi-genre paper is personal, creative, and cant be copied from some other source. It involves you, as a writer, making conscious decisions about what information is important and how it should be presented to the reader.
Your Multigenre Independent Study Unit must include each of these components: 1. An introduction to your Independent Study Unit. This ISU should not be a haphazard collage of disjointed stuff; you must connect the genres and what they represent with a central, significant theme (a thesis). Your creative efforts must be informed by solid research, including research about the genres themselves.

2. Write a diary entry from a character in the novel. It has to be a comment on the social climate in South Africa at the time. Make sure to include the vernacular and perspective that the character would exhibit. Remember to keep your thesis within your writing.

3. Write a news article as a journalist from South Africa during the 1930s/40s explaining to your readers about apartheid, giving an editorial about it, and predict its future existence in South Africa (you can do this either through your character as a 30s/40s reporter, or through knowing how it turns out). Remember to keep your thesis within your writing.

4. Write an obituary for one of the characters in the novel. What details, accomplishments, family members will be emphasized? Again, your thesis must be connected.

5. Poem in contemporary free verse style. This poem can be written by you or by a character in the novel. Must be at least 20 lines. Must include at least 4 poetic devices Write a paragraph at the end of the poem detailing the 4 poetic devices. Keep your thesis flowing.

6. A piece from the R.A.F.T.S handout. You may chose whatever writing genre you want to write. Once again, your thesis must be present.

7. Bibliography (MLA)

Component /Genre
Writing mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling) Thesis

Level One

Level Two

Level Three
The writing in most of the genres has only a few errors. The thesis is evident and is carried out in most of the genres.

Level Four
The writing in all the genres is done with little to no errors. The thesis is strong and evident in all genres. (The voice and opinions in this piece are really strong and go for the jugular) Introduction lays out the genres, introduces the thesis, and gives a roadmap of the projects overall direction The diary entry of a character embodies the ``voice`` of the character and is a well thought out and supported comment on the social climate of the time.

There are many Some of the errors in all genres. writing has several errors.

There is little evidence of a thesis in this project.

There is evidence of a thesis but it is missing from some of the genres or is weak in areas. Introduction is missing a few components assigned


Introduction is missing many of the assigned components.

Diary Entry

There is limited attempt at producing the voice of a character in the diary entry and there a limited reference to the social climate of the time.

There is some attempt at producing the voice of a character in the diary entry and there a reference to the social climate of the time.

Introduction lays out most of the genres, introduces the thesis, and attempts to give a roadmap of the projects overall direction The diary entry of a character attempts the ``voice`` of the character and thoughtful comments on the social climate of the time.

News Article

The news article makes little attempt to explain apartheid, has few elements of a news article, and is a limited attempt at an editorial.

The news article makes an attempt to explain apartheid, has some elements of a news article, and attempts an editorial.

The news article explains apartheid, meets the requirements of a news article, and also contains an editorial.

The news article thoroughly explains apartheid, meets the requirements of a news article, and also contains a clever and thoughtful editorial. Obituary form was thoroughly followed and the content was well thought out and insightful summary of the character`s life. Poem was 20 lines, effectively used 4 poetic devices, and was an insightful reflection on the novel`s theme(s). The R.A.F.T model was followed properly and thoroughly. The end product went above and beyond requirements. Bibliography was properly done in MLA and demonstrated thorough research. The final product was creative, it showed a well thought out order, and contained all the required components.


Followed only limited aspects of the obituary form and had few aspects of the character`s life. Poem contained few of the required elements and contained a limited reflection of the novel`s theme(s). A few elements of the R.A.F.T model were followed. The end product did not meet the required time and effort needed. Bibliography followed only a few elements of MLA style and demonstrated some research. The final product showed little order, and contained only a few of the required components.

Followed some of the obituary form and had aspects of the character`s life.

Obituary form was followed and the content was contained an insightful summary of the character`s life. Poem contained most of the required elements and contained a reflection on the novel`s theme(s). The R.A.F.T model was followed. The end product met expectations.



Poem contained some of the required elements and contained a basic reflection of the novel`s theme(s). Some of the R.A.F.T model was followed. The end product needed more effort and time put into it. Bibliography followed most elements of MLA style and demonstrated some research. The final product showed some planned order, and contained some of the required components.


Bibliography was done in MLA and demonstrated research. The final product showed a planned order, and contained most of the required components.



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