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Jamie Hall

1.) F 2.) C 3.) C 4.) A 5.) C 6.) A 7.) B 8.) B 9.) C 10.) A 11.) A 12.) A, c, d,e,h,k,l,m 13.) A 14.) B 15.) B 16.) T 17.) Because the research paper is information from other sources and it not all completely my work. So you have to give credit to the authors of the sources because they are the ones that did the work to find the information. 18.) When you use information from a source or when you are paraphrasing. 19.) When you cannot word the information any better in your own words. 20.) Plagiarism is the act of copying information word for word and claiming it as your own work and not giving credit to the original author. 21.) Howard, John. Finding Your Way Through Academia An Anthology College Dreams and Beyond. 1st ed. Ed. Annette Florand and Mitchell Williams. Boston: Landon Press, 2008. 179-187 Print. 22.) Nuesury, April. Fresh Ethnography: A New Approach The Review for Ethnocentric Research vol. 3 iss. 10 (1998): 5-19 Print 23.) Hope, Wilson. Finding Yourself in Democracy. The New Yorker. 26 January, 1963: 129-142. Print. 24.) Harmon, Daniel. Ceremony. New York, New York: Village Publishing, 1975. Print 25.) Ness, Harper. Ashworthy Interviewed. 22 Sept., 1984. 26.) I am from poem was my favorite. Because it allowed us as much freedom as we wanted in composing the essay. Even though looking inside oneself for words to put on paper is often difficult. 27.) I did not care for the research paper because the subject matter is boring.

28.) I am most proud of my I am From poem. This took a lot of looking inside of my own mind to come up with the words to put on paper so it was the most challenging. My friends and family were the audience. At first I chose words that would not insult any of them, and then I realized that I could not be honest in my poem if I did that. 29.) I have noticed that my sentences are not as broken and jumbled as they were when we first started writing. However my thoughts are still very jumbled. This is important because if I cam writing in complete sentences then the papers make more sense to the reader. 30.) I would not change anything about my writing. This class was a great learning experience. And I will use all that I have learned to better my writing.

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