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Dear fellows, I am being absolutely nave [pronounced as naaaa-ei-ve] to proclaim that most of the time when I hear anything about anyone, it is the pot calling the kettle black. The thought came to me a few days ago, while I was watching the media session of our parliament. Our honorable parliamentarians had organized a fish market kind of assembly, full of slogans to chant against the rivals. How effortless was it for me to identify the pots calling the kettles black. The thought wasnt restricted to the parliament, I found same situation with my brother blaming me of laziness, my friends lay blame on me for not preparing my part of presentation and my teachers accusing me for not performing well in exams. If we look at our nation, everyone is pointing towards the system while trying to justify their part of corruption. How many of us have been working for the poor community of this land despite the fact that we all can talk about it like we are never going to stop. Isnt this all Pots calling the kettles black. I say YES IT IS. Why has it been the best way for one to put the blame on others and get free of charge? Why is there a way out in accusing others especially those who are weaker than you! Who has made the corruption stay in the roots of our systems and who is nurturing them to grow? Dear fellows, If there is a solution, who is going to stop all this nonsense? I think I might know it. It is just me, us and we who could end this never ending phenomenon of pots calling the kettles black. Lets stand up and identify the black sheep amongst ourselves. Lets nib the evil in the bud and eliminate false accusations. Because it is the time when pot shall stop calling the kettle black.

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