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Burden of Asthma

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide with an estimated 300 million affected individuals Prevalence increasing in many countries, especially in children A major cause of school/work absence

Alergia: Enfermedad Sistmica

Asma 2.6 RA 4.0 EA 0.8


Asma 3.6 RA 4.5 EA 2.8


RA 21.5 EA 11.2

Asma 28.1 Asma 32.1 RA 18.9 EA 14.7



Asma 6.6 RA 9.4 EA 4.4

Asma 26.0 RA 19.4 EA 8.2


Asma 2.1 RA 5.3 EA 1.2

Asma 30.2 RA 19.1 EA 12.9




The Lancet 1998; Vol 351:1225-32

Asma 29.4 RA 19.8 EA 12.2

Definition of Asthma

A chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways Many cells and cellular elements play a role Chronic inflammation is associated with airway hyperresponsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing Widespread, variable, and often reversible airflow limitation

Risk Factors for Asthma

Host factors: predispose individuals to, or protect them from, developing asthma Environmental factors: influence susceptibility to development of asthma in predisposed individuals, precipitate asthma exacerbations, and/or cause symptoms to persist

Factors that Exacerbate Asthma

Allergens Respiratory infections Exercise and hyperventilation Weather changes Sulfur dioxide Food, additives, drugs

Factors that Influence Asthma Development and Expression

Host Factors Genetic - Atopy - Airway hyperresponsiveness Gender Obesity Environmental Factors Indoor allergens Outdoor allergens Occupational sensitizers Tobacco smoke Air Pollution Respiratory Infections Diet

Is it Asthma?

Recurrent episodes of wheezing Troublesome cough at night Cough or wheeze after exercise Cough, wheeze or chest tightness after exposure to airborne allergens or pollutants Colds go to the chest or take more than 10 days to clear

Asthma Diagnosis

History and patterns of symptoms Measurements of lung function - Spirometry - Peak expiratory flow Measurement of airway responsiveness Measurements of allergic status to identify risk factors Extra measures may be required to diagnose asthma in children 5 years and younger and the elderly

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