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Baljeet Kaur Samra OUGD203 Product, Range, Distribution

Boots 17 cosmetics rebrand

Make the 17 Cosmetics range more appealing and desirable to 16-25 year old females who are looking for affordable quality make up.

Products & Deliverables

Individual Packaging for cosmetics, bag, website redesign, in-store promotion & stand re-design.

Baljeet Kaur Samra OUGD203 Product, Range, Distribution

Boots 17 cosmetics rebrand

Logo redesign changing from 17 to seventeen. Black and white across the brand with different colours according to the colour of the product.

Helvetica Neue light | Helvetica Neue | Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold

Baljeet Kaur Samra OUGD203 Product, Range, Distribution

Boots 17 cosmetics rebrand

Product, Range & Distribution

The main focus is to create outer packaging for selected products in the range, not only will this make the packaging more consistent it will make the product appear to be more expensive / premium.

Lipstick, Mascara, Lipgloss, Nailvarnish, Eyeshadow trio.

Baljeet Kaur Samra OUGD203 Product, Range, Distribution

Boots 17 cosmetics rebrand

Website redesign, making the website more engaging and easier to use. Also working with making the retail space stand out against the other brands. Printed Advertising in magazines.

Instore, Online, Print

Instore / website / blog redesign. Print advertising for magazines.

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