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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- Demonstrations erupted in all Syrian governorates such as Al Lataminah in Hama, Hayalin town in Hama countryside, Salahuddin district in Aleppo, Al-Bustan district in Aleppo countryside and Hanano housing in Aleppo.(1)(5)(8)(9) - Activists staged a sit-in before the palace of justice in Damascus, calling for releasing the detainees.


- Clashes broke out between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Al-Assad's army in AlQuria, Deir ez-Zor. In addition, 10 military personnel had defected from the city barrier's security forces and joined the FSA.

14th/May death toll: 22

- 5 citizens were martyred, including a woman and other 18 people were wounded at the hands of the governmental troops that stormed Taman'a Al-Ghab village, Hama countryside. (2)

The Military Situation

- Clashes broke out between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the fourth squad of Al-Assad's army in Al-Rastan city, Homs that claimed the lives of 23 military personnel affiliated to the squad. In addition, those clashes led to the destruction of three armored cars, seizing two armored cars and the detention of the soldiers of the fourth squad.(1)(4)(5)(8)

The Political Mobility

- The Syrian National Council (SNC) announced that it would not participate in the Cairo conference under the supervision of the Arab League (AL), because- according to the statement of the SNC- the conference's aim is to form a delegation for establishing a dialogue with Al-Assad's regime, which goes against the SNC's inclinations.(1)(4)(9) - Wael Mirza, of the Syrian National Council (SNC), asserted that he was shocked to discover that the Arab League (AL) did not adhere to the previously agreed upon agreement with the SNC, as the AL announced, before producing the conference's results, the formation of a delegation of the opposition to establish a dialogue with Al-Assad's regime. He also referred to the possibility of deferring the elections of the SNC's head to be after 7 or 10 days.

- Major Sami Al-Kurdi, a spokesman for the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Homs and its countryside, asserted that the governmental troops showered the city with more than 300 projectiles from many different kinds of weapons within two days' time in a prelude to storming it, which led to the martyrdom of an infant and caused tens of injuries.

- Lieutenant Khaled al-Hamoud, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army (FSA), announced adopting Al-Rastan operation, asserting that it comes within the framework of the defense operations not the attack ones, referring to the martyrdom of Lieutenant Ahmed Aioob of the FSA and other 8 civilians.

- Radwan Ziadeh, member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), asserted that the Arab League (AL) failed to fulfill its promise of working in partnership with the SNC.(9) - The Kurdish National Council asserted that it would participate in the Cairo conference.(1) - Haytham Manna, the president of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, asserted that the body would not participate in the Arab League (AL)'s Cairo conference under the pretext that the AL was hasty in inviting the participants without knowing the invited people.(1)(2)

- Unknown armed persons assassinated imam of Ruqayya Mosque, Damascus.(1) - The security forces conducted military deployment operations amid shelling, storming and destroying Douma city in Rif Dimashq and Basatin village in Banias countryside that continuously witnesses the eruption of demonstrations.(1)(2) - Clashes broke out between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the security forces in Daraa that claimed the lives of 4 elements affiliated to the governmental troops.(1)

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The Internal Situation
- Two persons were martyred Al-Qusayr, Homs after being detained for three days on the part of Al-Assad's forces.

Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

- Head of the Arab Parliament Ali Al Deqbasi calls for trying Al-Assad's regime before the "International Criminal Court".(5) - The Lebanese army continues sending its reinforcements near Jabal Mohsen that has Alawite Muslim majority with a view to curtailing clashes with the Sunni villages surrounding it.(17)

- Ten people were martyred and many others were wounded in the military operations carried out by the governmental forces against the demonstrators.

- Five persons were martyred in an explosion near a military gas station in Daraa, in addition to another one in Hama, another one in Damascus and another one in Rif Dimashq.(9)

- British Foreign Secretary William Hague asserted that Al-Assad regime's violations of the ceasefire increases the importance of the continuation of exerting further pressure on such a regime.(4)(9) - French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero condemns Al-Assad regime's continuity of committing massacres against its people.(5) - German Foreign Minster Guido Westerwelle warned that the current situation in Syria would lead to a crisis in the whole region, asserting that his country backs the UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's plan. He also called on all parties, especially Al-Assad's regime to stop violence.(9) - Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt calls for urgently deploying the monitors as soon as possible, adding that that matter would lead to the decrease of violence and suppression to some extent in the regions in which the observers will be deployed.(4) - European diplomat asserted the omission of the name of a Syrian figure from the sanctions' list after he backtracked on supporting the regime.(4) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov defends the Russian weapons shipments to Syria after being criticized by the West, saying that the governmental forces need to defend themselves against the rebels who receive arms from abroad.(4)(16) - Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), claims that his country has information that Kosovo seeks to be a place in which the Syrian opposition would be trained.(7)(9) - Enver Hoxhaj, the Foreign Minister of Kosovo, denied what was said that the Syrian opposition is trained in his country, noting that there are diplomatic contacts between his government and the Syrian opposition, asserting that his country strongly supports the Syrian case.(7)(9)

Activities of Civil Organizations

- The Syrian Network for Human Rights recorded 332 violations of Annan's initiative by Al-Assad's forces, including 99 in Homs and its countryside, 52 in Damascus and Rif Dimashq, 50 in Daraa, 47 in Hama and its countryside, 29 in Aleppo and its countryside.(1)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Asharq Al-Awsat The London-based Al-Hayat The Kuwaiti Al-Watan Al-Quds Al-Arabi The Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal The Syrian Al-Baath Reuters AFP The Qatari Al-Jazeera The Israeli Haaretz Washington Post wall Street Journal The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth The Guardian The Telegraph Russia Today

Political Stances
- Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Institute in Doha, ruled out that the Syrian rebels have the ability to obtain tonnes of explosive materials used in the recent explosions, noting that they were created in an advanced way. (1) - Mathieu Guidre, the French expert in the affairs of the Arab and Islamic world, ruled out the presence of al-Qaeda organization in Syria, even if armed groups adopted operations using the name of al-Qaeda. (1)

- The Arab league (AL) decided to delay the Syrian Opposition Conference that was supposed to be held in the AL's premises on May 16th-17th, 2012 in response to the demand of the Syrian National Council and the National Coordination Body.(5)(9)(16) - The Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal asserted that confidence speedily decreases in Annan's plan due to the continuation of violence in Syria, referring to the continuous killing, violence and bloodshed currently committed in Syria. He also said" If 60 people were killed instead of 80 ones, can it be a progress?!" He also added that he rejects the interference of AlAssad's regime in Lebanon.(4)(8)(9) - Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Arabi hinted that Annan would ask the Syrian government to appoint "a negotiator" with the opposition for political track.(2)

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion. Page 2

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