Dear General Leslie Groves

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Tristen Werber Mrs.

Heins History Creative Writing

Dear General Leslie Groves, My name is Tristen Alexander Werber and I am one of the top scientists working on the Manhattan project. I believe we should most definitely us the weapon on the Japanese cities instead of demonstrating its awesome destruction to the Japanese leaders on a deserted island. First off if we would tell the Japanese we are going to demonstrate its destruction to them on a deserted island they could put our own men, prisoners of war, on that island and we could anciently kill our own men! My other arguments are if we do demonstrate it to them it could be a dud and all theyll do is laugh at us, it would most likely shorten the war, and we wont have to worry about the deaths of 1.5 million allied troops. So if we do demonstrate it, it could be a dud and not work. This is bad because then the Japanese will laugh at us, and think of us as a joke, and not surrender. Secondly, we will only have one other bomb left to use on the Japanese so it wont have as much as an impact on them. Next, using the bombs on the japs will most likely shorten the war. This would most likely shorten the war because then they will be in shock and grief broken so they will surrender. So then we dont have to go into their mainland and fight them. Lastly, dropping the bombs will save the estimated 1.5 deaths of allied troops that would be lost if we entered their mainland. Saving their lives is good because they are American and Allied lives which families would have lost and been grief struck by for many years to come. That is why I believe we should drop these bombs on the Japanese.


Tristen Alexander Werber

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