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How was your vacation?

Cmo te fue en las vacaciones?

El objetivo de la siguiente presentacin es que analices la utilizacin del pasado simple en una situacin cotidiana.

Observa que todas las palabras resaltadas en color naranja son verbos en pasado.

Hello, my name is Fernando.

I am 7 years old. I am going to tell you what happened during my vacation.

My summer vacation was great.

First we went swimming. This is a picture of my mom and sister.

My sister leaned on the hammock.

My mom drank a cocktail.

The next day, we went to the zoo, and we invited my cousin Alexandra.

We watched the giraffe.

We saw many ducks at the lake.

In the afternoon we went to the mall and we visited a beauty parlor for little girls.

There my sister and cousin got their nails painted.

Then my sister got a special hair style.

The next day, I rode a motorcycle in my grandfathers ranch, I wore a hat. I was with my friend Julio.

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