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Works Cited Primary Sources: Luther, Martin. Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism. 2nd.

Fergus Falls: Faith and Fellowship Press, 1992. 132-35. Print. Ive used this book extensively over the past two years. I was in confirmation and we discussed Luthers Small Catechism quite a bit. I used this for quotes and teachings from Luther. This book explains some things and helps to understand what Luthers teachings meant. Luther, Martin. "Martin Luther's Definition of Faith." Project Wittenberg. Project Wittenberg, 4/7/2006. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. This is a writing of Martin Luther that I read to learn more about his teachings. I learned about Luthers ideas on faith. He talks about what faith is, or his definition of faith. Luther, Martin. "A Treatise on Good Works." Project Wittenberg. Project Wittenberg, 4/7/2006. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. Martin Luther talks about good works in this writing. I learned his definition of faith. He says that good works alone will not get you to heaven, only faith in God can. I took many quotes from this writing for my website. "Project Wittenberg." Iclnet. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>

Wicks 2 I learned about the 95 Theses from this website. Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses, which pretty much started the Reformation. This website has a translation of 95 Theses, which I used in my site for quotes. "John Wycliffe." Getty Images. Getty Images, Inc., 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. I used this site for a picture of John Wycliffe. He was a reformer 200 years ahead of schedule. I used this picture in my website. Raphael. "Pope Leo X." Ocean'sbridge. N.p., 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. This is a portrait of Pope Leo X, who was the pope during Martin Luthers time. The Pope got very mad at Luther for all of Luthers publications against the Catholic Church. I found this very interesting and I learned a lot about the Pope himself. This picture is from an online museum that I found, but is also found in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. Lucas Cranach the Elder. "The Last Supper." Christianity Today. 2008: n. page. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>. Lucas Cranach the Elder was one of Luthers friends and also a well-known artist. This is one of his paintings entitled "The Last Supper". Hans Holbein the Younger. The Passion. 2012. Painting. Web Gallery of Art. <>. I learned a lot on the artists from this time period as well as about the Reformers. I really liked this painting, so I decided to use it in my website. Hans Holbein the Younger, a famous artist of religious paintings, painted this called The Passion.

Wicks 3 "The 95 Theses of Martin Luther." American Catholic Truth Society. N.p., 2001. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. Martin Luthers 95 Theses were a major part of the Reformation. They were sent to the Archbishop of Mainz, and hung on the Wittenberg Church door. I learned a lot about Luthers ideas and teachings by reading through the 95 Theses. Zavada, Jack. "John Wycliffe." Getty Images. Getty Images, Inc., 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. < I learned a lot of information about John Wycliffe and this is a picture of him. He came before the Reformation, but still contributed to its ideas. This painting is part of The Bridgeman Art Librarys collection. Lucas Cranach the Elder. Martin Luther. 1955. Painting. New York. < rpp=20&pg=1&ft=cranach&pos=13>. I learned a lot about Martin Luther and he was a major part of the Reformation so I wanted to have a picture of him. Lucas Cranach the Elder painted his portrait. This painting is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lucas Cranach the Elder. Frederick III, Elector of Saxony. 1533. Painting. New York. rpp=20&pg=1&ft=cranach&pos=10>. I learned about a few other friends of Martin Luther. Frederick III was a friend, who sheltered Luther while others were trying to kill him. Lucas Cranach the Elder. Philipp Melanchthon. N.d. Painting. Philipp Melanchthon. <

Wicks 4 melanchthon-1543>. This is a portrait of Philipp Melanchthon painted by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Philipp Melanchthon was a major reformer in the 1500s. I used this picture in my website. "Selected Works of Martin Luther." Project Wittenberg. N.p., 4/7/2006. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. Martin Luther had a lot of writings about his teachings and beliefs. I used this to learn about what he said. From this website you can go to a lot of his writings and read them. I used some of them for quotes in my project. Franz von Wagner. The spread of the Protestant Reformation. 1842. Painting. Artnet, New York City, NY. Web. 4 Mar 2012. <>. This is a painting by Franz von Wagner. It shows people during that time listening to someone give a speech. I thought it went along with my topic and I used on my Homepage in the slideshow. Ferdinand Wilhelm Pauwels. Luther in front of Cardinal Cajetan during the controversy of his 95 Theses. 1870. Painting. Bridgeman Art Library, London, UK. Web. 4 Mar 2012. <>. This is a picture of Martin Luther and Cardinal Cajetan. Their conversation had to do with the 95 Theses, which were a sore subject at this time. Ferdinand Wilhelm Pauwels painted it. Lucas Cranach the Younger. German Bible of Luthers Translation. 1561. Painting. Bridgeman Art Library, London, UK. Web. 4 Mar 2012.

Wicks 5 <>. This is a picture of Martin Luther and his German Bible Translation. This was painted by Lucas Cranach the Younger, the son of one of Luthers friends. Luther, Martin. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Grand Haven, MI: Center for Church Music, 1529. Web. <>. This is one of Martin Luthers most popular songs and its been translated into many different languages. I thought this would be a fitting touch for my website I learned it became one of the anthems of the Reformation. I thought it was very interesting to learn that a song sung over 400 years ago is still being sung today. Holy Bible. 2011. Photograph. Patheos. Web. 4 Mar 2012. <>. I found this picture and I really liked it. This is a picture of the Bible, which is also a big part of the Reformation. I didnt have a picture of one yet so I decided to use this one. John Wycliffe Translation. Wesley Center for Applied Theology c/o Northwest Nazarene University, 2011. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. John Wycliffe translated the Bible into the common English language with the help of some of the Lollards. The Lollards were preachers who shared the same beliefs as he did. This website has a copy of John Wycliffes Bible. "Martin Luther: Letter to the Archbishop of Mainz, 1517." Fordham University. N.p.,

Wicks 6 11/4/2011. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. I learned that Martin Luther had very strong ideas on indulgences that the Church did not share. He was very mad at the Church about indulgences and he ended up writing to them about it. This website has a translation of one of his letters to them. John Wycliffe. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. <>. This is a picture of John Wycliffe talking to some of his Lollard preachers. John Wycliffe opposed some church teachings before the Reformation even happened. I learned he was one of the precursors to the Reformation. "Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to Church Door." NCSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. The Wittenberg Church is a famous place from the Reformation. This is where Martin Luther hung his 95 Theses for everyone to see. I used the map picture from here in my website. "Wartburg Castle." German Places. GermanPlaces, 2012. Web. 13 May 2012. <>. I learned a lot about the Warburg Castle. It sits on a hill over-looking Eisenach, Germany. This was the town Luther was born in, so there is a connection between them other than him staying there. I used this website for information as well as for the picture. I thought this was a very good picture of the Castle, so I decided to use it.

Wicks 7 "Wartburg Castle." Sacred Destinations. Sacred Destinations, 2012. Web. 13 May 2012. <>. I used to website to learn some of the history of Wartburg Castle and for a picture. I added the Castle in my website because I thought it was an interesting piece of information that went along well with my project. "Wartburg Castle." Sacred Destinations. Sacred Destinations, 2012. Web. 13 May 2012. <>. I thought Wartburg Castle was very interesting. I learned a ton about it. I had no idea something so old could survive that long. Now the castle has been turned into a museum. This picture shows the room that Martin Luther stayed in during his time there. "Wartburg Castle." Guide to Castles of Europe., 2011. Web. 13 May 2012. <>. I used this website for a picture of Wartburg Castle. The castle sits on a hill and is extremely well protected. The only way to get to it is the huge drawbridge over the moat. The castle has been restored and turned into a museum. "St. Giles Roman Catholic Church." Staffordshire Past-Track. Staffordshire County Council, 2003. Web. 15 May 2012. <> The Roman Catholic Church was what everyone was trying to reform. The Church played a major part in the Reformation. This website has a picture of a church that I

Wicks 8 used in my website.

Secondary Sources: Stacey, John. "John Wycliffe." Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. This is a biography of John Wycliffe, which I used to learn more about him. I talked about him in my website and I used this site for information. I needed a lot of information on him so I used a lot of different resources. "John Wycliffe." ReligionFacts. ReligionFacts, 2004. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. John Wycliffe was a major part of early Reformation ideas. His beliefs were close to Luthers beliefs and thats why I used him in my website. I know there were many other people in the earlier age that shared some of Martin Luthers beliefs, but I decided to use Wycliffe. I thought it was very interesting to learn about him. "John Wycliffe." Greatsite Marketing, 2008. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. John Wycliffe was a key part of the Reformation even though he wasnt even alive when it happened. Hes a major part of my website, and I needed a lot of information on him. This website is a biography on him that I used. Guruge, Anura. "The Youngest Popes." Popes and the Papacy. Popes and Papacy, 2011. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. Pope Leo X was the pope during Martin Luthers time. Luther and the Pope didnt get along very well, and were usually on opposite sides of debates. I used this

Wicks 9 website to find out a little more about him. "Martin Luther." Greatsite Marketing, 2008. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. Martin Luther started the Reformation and remained a key person throughout most of it. I had to do a lot of research on him and this is one of the websites I used. I also used it to verify all the other information I had gathered. "Martin Luther." Christian Classics Ethereal Library. CCEL, 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. < >. This is a biography of Martin Luther that I used for my information. Martin Luther was a key reformer of Protestantism. Because he was such a big part of it, I had to do a lot of research on him. "John Wycliffe." Christianity Today. Christianity Today, 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2012. < ml>. I learned that even though John Wycliffe didnt reform the Church, his ideas became known and more common. He still helped to change the Church and its ways through his teachings that were very close to Martin Luthers. Luther had tried to Reform the Church, but he only partway succeeded. I used this website to learn more about John Wycliffe and the history of Protestantism. " Simkin, John. "Protestant Reformation." Spartacus Educational. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb 2012. <>. The Reformation was a major event in history. Martin Luther made history when he actually went against the Catholic Church, as not very many people had tried to do

Wicks 10 it before. I used this website to learn more about the Reformation. "Reformation and Art." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2/29/2012. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. During the Reformation, many artists started working on paintings. They were hung in churches all over. This website shows some art from the Reformation time period. "Martin Luther." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2/24/2012. Web. 29 Feb 2012. < Martin Luther was a key reformer and I used this site to learn more about him and his ideas. He was the one who actually started the Reformation. I had to use a lot of resources to learn about him. I used my other resources to confirm what I had learned on Wikipedia. Luther, Martin. "Martin Luther Collection/Sammlung." Musica International. Musica International, n.d. Web. 2 Mar 2012. <>. I learned that Martin Luther wrote a lot of songs to praise God. This website has a list of some of his most well known songs and I actually ended up using one for my website. It also provides a little more information on Luther himself. The song I used is called A Mighty Fortress is Our God and is still being sung in churches today. "Philipp Melanchthon." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2/3/2012. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. I used this website to learn more about Philipp Melanchthon, one of Luthers

Wicks 11 helpers and a key reformer. He wrote many of his own works concerning his beliefs, and was the one who convinced Luther to translate the Bible into German. Beidler, Peter. "John Wyclif." On-Line Reference Book for Medieval Studies. Peter G. Beidler, 2001. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. This website talks about John Wycliffe and his teachings. I learned more about him and verified all my sites to make sure they were giving the same information. Philipp Melanchthon, Humanist and Reformer. KDG Wittenberg, n.d. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. I learned Philipp Melanchthon was a close friend of Martin Luthers. He was a fellow reformer as well. I learned that he helped Luther with a lot of his writings, and ended up writing the Augsburg Confession himself. "Philipp Melanchthon.", 2012. Web. 1 Mar 2012. <>. Philipp Melanchthon was a major part of the Reformation and I needed to know a lot about him. This website is a biography on him where I gathered information. "Reformation." Religion, Society, & Culture. Hans Rollman, 2006. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. During the Reformation many people had writings that they sent to the Reformers and to the Church itself. This site has many different Reformers works and ideas. "The Protestant Reformation." Hanover College History Department. N.p., 10/28/2001. Web. 29 Feb 2012. <>. The Reformers all had different ways of teaching things and you can kind of learn

Wicks 12 about that by what they write. Many of their writings are on this site. I used it to learn more about them and the Reformation. Some of Martin Luthers works are on here that I read to learn more about him. Mr. Roughton. The Protestant Reformation. 2012. Photograph. Mr. Roughton's Classroom 2.0 Web. 4 Mar 2012. <> This is a picture with the word Reformation on a black background with some pictures. I thought it was cool and I decided to use it in my slideshow. Reformation Day. 2008. Photograph. A Boomer in the Pew. Web. 4 Mar 2012. <>. This is a picture someone made of Martin Luther hanging up the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church. I didnt have any pictures of that event so I decided to use this one. "Frederick III." Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 13 May 2012. <>. I learned Frederick III helped Luther stay alive. The Catholic superiors wanted Luther to be turned in, but Frederick didnt want them, too. I used this website to expand on my knowledge of the Reformation and to learn more about Frederick III. Moeller, Dale. Personal Interview. Web Design. 2/10/12 - 4/3/12. Mr. Moeller is my technology teacher at Rutland School. He helped me with my website design. I asked him questions about how my website should look, how to embed a document, and how to add sound. He was very valuable resource for information of this project.

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