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Presented to: BIWA SIG Oracle Business Intelligence on Cloud Computing

Robert Joseph CEO, Step Ahead Solutions

Introduction What is Cloud Computing? Why BI on Cloud? OBIEE on Cloud Your Options for OBIEE on Cloud The Balancing Act! The Creative Decision Making Trade-offs Our offerings on Cloud Computing Demo Q&A Thanks GOAL Key Take Away A clear understanding of how one could leverage Cloud Computing for OBIEE Why OBIEE is the perfect product for Cloud Computing? How do I make the right decisions? Difference between reality and perception when it comes to OBIEE on Cloud

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Subject Matter Experts in OBIEE Technology & Applications + Six Sigma Black Belts + Capability Maturity Management Integrated (CMMI) Experts + Deliberate Creativity & Parallel Thinking Dr. Edward de Bono Trainers + Green IT proponents = Step Ahead Solutions, Inc

13 week Challenge!

Specialized in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Technology Foundation Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Applications ERP Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Applications - CRM

People are now a days trapped in traditional philosophy with its emphasis on analysis and description. They are also trapped in logic which is only a very small part of operational thinking - Dr. Edward de Bono
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a term that defines the use of computing resources from the Internet. In cloud computing, software application is provided as a service offering and hence the term SaaS (Software as a Service). Further the Cloud Computing service are characterized by - Service on Demand - Is elastic - Is paid by usage

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination Oscar Wilde
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

What is Cloud Computing?

Why is it attractive today? Economics

No upfront costs No operational costs Fast, simple and secure - can be accessed from anywhere/anytime

Challenges Security Performance Availability Integration with on premise apps Limited customization

Customer Needs Competitive pricing Performance guarantees

Data Privacy
On premise private cloud Prevent violation of governance policies

Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action - Benjamin Disraeli
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Why Business Intelligence on Cloud?

BI is an expensive proposition for any organization
BI demands high upfront costs Is expensive to maintain and support

Lack of highly skilled people in BI All the big players are into it IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, BI now becomes available for small and medium business, no longer the domain of large enterprises BI technology is highly adaptable for Cloud Computing capabilities Complements the varying needs of the clients Can well be integrated with both on premise and cloud based BI solutions for the clients.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination - Albert Einstein
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE on Cloud
OBIEE Technology is perfectly adapted for Cloud Computing
Greatly simplified architecture resulting in three services namely the Oracle BI Server or SAS Server service, Oracle Presentation Server or SAW Server service, and Java Web host service. One optional Oracle Scheduler Service. One binary file that contains the meta data of the BI application. One reporting directory structure, namely the web catalog

First truly Enterprise Class Server product from ground up First BI technology platform that comes along with the complete suite of Application Analytics for Oracle ERP and CRM as well as any custom BI application development on non Oracle platform as well.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently - Warren Buffett
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE on Cloud
Sales Service & Contact Center Marketing Order Management & Fulfillment Supply Chain Financials Human Resources

Oracle BI Applications
Interactive Dashboards Reporting & Publishing Ad-hoc Analysis Proactive Detection and Alerts Disconnected Analytics MS Office Plug-in Web Services

Oracle BI Suite EE

BAW Schema Packaged ETL Maps Universal Adapters

IVR, ACD, CTI Hyperion MS Excel Other Data Sources

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be - Kahlil Gibran
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE on Cloud
Business Objects

Cognos 8
No Server Side Caching, no shared cache Simple changes to queries like group, ungroup, add columns, re-query the DB If you drag 20 attributes, 20 queries of the DB Multiple SQL Statements for repeated actions within a query, such as adding items to an LOV Resource Intensive, Need More Hardware to Perform Cognos 8 is not aggregate aware- it relies on the DB optimizer Cognos 8 cant do time based aggregations / Query Fragmentation such as last period, first period must do in a cube Cannot easily join data from 2 DBs PowerPlay - limited cube capacity, static, data duplication, proprietary ReportNet against PowerPlay performance isssues due to translation layer Analysis Studio performance issues

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be - Kahlil Gibran
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Recap !!!
Let us briefly recap what we have discussed so far. We looked at what cloud computing really is? We further discussed why BI on cloud makes sense? Then we explored why OBIEE is a perfect product for cloud computing In the process we also presented some key challenges that you might experience based on your needs And we kind of overlaid in context of what successful and famous people had to say to help us at least think in a different way. Let us now introduce a bit of creativity and get on to the next segment that is built upon what we discussed till now.

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Mind Mapping Challenges

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Dr. Edward de Bono
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Key Challenges

Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see. Edward de Bono
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE on Cloud

Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists. Edward de Bono
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE on Cloud
1. Set up Cloud a/c 2. Build App using shared components 3. Set up policies and SLAs 4. App users gain access 5. Scale up or down based on need 6. Charge back based on usage


Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. Kahlil Gibran

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE Presentation Stack - AWS

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. Kahlil Gibran

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

OBIEE Application Stack - AWS

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. Kahlil Gibran

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.


Storage is pooled across all databases Storage capacity is shared Heavily loaded databases draw from shared disks Storage no longer a bottleneck
High Memory Instances: Option 1: 17.1 GB physical memory, 6 virtual core processor, 420 GB local disk space and 64 bit platform Option 2: 34.2 GB physical memory, 13 virtual core processor, 850 GB local disk space and 64 bit platform Option 3: 64.4 GB physical memory, 26 virtual core processor, 1690GB local disk space and 64 bit platform High CPU Instances: Option 1: 1.7 GB physical memory, 5 virtual core processor, 350 GB local disk space and 64 bit platform Option 2: 7 GB physical memory, 20 virtual core processor, 1690 GB local disk space and 64 bit platform

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge. Kahlil Gibran

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

The Creative Decision Making

The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology. ~E.F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, 1973

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Your Options for OBIEE on Cloud

Cloud centric OBIEE infrastructure
Multi-tenant subscription model Single tenant subscription model On Premise private cloud model

Co-existence with on Premise BI solutions

On Demand CRM analytics with on premise CRM Analytics Custom analytics application with on premise custom or out of the box customized analytics application Out of the box analytics applications with on premise OBIEE technology deployment

Elastic capability of Cloud Computing is not an option for now Pay by usage is also not an option for now
We must become the change we want to see. ~Mahatma Gandhi
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

The Balancing Act!

Map your BI needs to the options available for OBIEE on Cloud Do a trade-off analysis on various scenarios Work with the BI Cloud Computing service company that can fulfill your needs
Priorities Lower cost of BI acquisition Deliver quality BI to business Generate measurable value to your organization Challenges Security and Governance Lack of skilled BI resources Ability to meet the SLAs

"Remember that life's a great balancing act... Dr. Seuss (Oh, the Places You'll Go!)
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

The Balancing Act!

Gartner predicts that by 2012, more than 35% of global 5000 companies will regularly fail to make critical decisions because they don't have access to timely information and the analysis to do so. By 2010, 20% of organizations will have an industry-specific analytic application delivered via software as a service (SaaS) as a standard component of their business intelligence portfolio. By 2012, business units will control at least 40 per cent of the total budget for BI
Facts: BI Implementation rate and BI user acceptance is very low.
Source: Aberdeen Research, Gartner and Forrester Research


The mind is everything; what you think, you become. Gautama Buddha
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

The Trade Offs

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. J. K. Rowling
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Our Offerings on Cloud - elearning

A man can learn only two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people. - Will Rogers
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Our Offerings on Cloud

"The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer. -Peter Drucker

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

Our Offerings on Cloud - Demo

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other. -Bill Gates
2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

In our second segment, we introduced creativity and looked at some creative approaches to solving common challenges that we face today. Then, we looked at leveraging key BI capabilities through Cloud Computing and discussed various options that you might have. Then we did a balancing act of priorities, challenges, predictions and options setting the stage for a Trade-Off Analysis of OBIEE on Cloud. We then showed you what we offer in Cloud Computing and then took you through a brief demo. I hope I was able to present why OBIEE on Cloud, difference between reality and perception when it comes to OBIEE and how we could best leverage Cloud computing to the best of our advantage.

2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

If you never change your mind, why have one?. ~Edward de Bono

Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste of New Cheese ~ Spencer Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese

For more details at: Pick up your white paper on Cloud Computing at our website!
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2010 | Step Ahead Solutions, Inc. Do not distribute without prior permission.

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