SAP Error

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1. Message no: AA835 Description: Asset class XXXXXX is not yet assigned to a form.

Solution: Assign a form to Asset Class XXXXX using the T.Code OAAY 2. Message no. F5836 Description: Field status group not defined in field status variant. Solution: Check in T-Code OBC4 if Field status variant is created Check in T-Code OBC5 if Field status variant is assigned to Co. Code Check in T-code FS00 under Create/bank/interest tab if correct Field status Group is assigned. 3. Specify either normal transactions or a special G/L indicator while creating Dunning Procedure Solution: Activate the following in the Dunning procedure overview (FBMP) Standard transaction dunning Dun special G/L transactions 4. Message No: 8I704 Description: Number group not maintained for CO code AM01 section IEQHSHL and business place 194C Solution: 1. create the internal number range for challans(J1INUMBER) 2. assign the internal number range to number groups.(J1INO) 3. MAINTAIN NUMBER GROUPS(J1INUM) - in this you have to assign the business place, off.w/tax key and number group to your company code.
J_1iewtnumgr_1. You can do it by SM30 or SE16.

5. Message No: F5394 Description: An entry in field Cost center is not permitted for account 20001. Solution: Ensure that the Field Status Group for Cost Center is not suppressed. Go to OBC4>>>Additional Account Assignment>>>Make the Cost Center Entry as Optional or required. 6. Message No: K8011 Description: Errors occurred during testing for field "Order (Internal Order)". Solution: Go to T.code KO02 and ensure that under Control Data Tab System Status should show it Released only then the entry would be posted. 7. If a GL is being picked automatically then, first check where the GL is being used. It can be find using the T.Code - S_ALR_87101048 and find the Account Assignment. If Transaction-CO1 is being displayed, then go to T.Code-OBYB and remove the GL. Also, it can be done through FBKP, Automatic Posting>>>CO-FI Transfer Posting Evaluation Group

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