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Expound a Pauline Scripture

• Title: Christ's Victory

• Introduction:
I am going to expound upon Colossians 2: 15, where it says:
"God stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority. With the cross,
He won victory and showed the world that they were powerless." NCV
I chose this verse because it speaks volumes about Christ's victory on the
cross and how much 'damage' it actually did to Satan and his minions on the
spiritual side to the world, as well as the effects the cross had on the physical
side also.
• Link/Bridge:
The verse can be broken down into three main parts, which I will expound

• Point 1:
"God stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority."
Here, Paul is telling us how God literately took away any power or authority
that the devil ever had over anything. With Christ's journey to the cross, God
was about to take away the power of death that the devil held because of sin.
With Christ's dying for atonement of all sin past, present and future, and then
rising again on the third day, Satan was definitely stripped of his power over
death as Jesus had conquered it by the power of God's grace on the cross.
• Point 2:
"With the cross, He won victory…"
By dying on the cross, Jesus did not just affect the natural world, but the
supernatural also. Throughout the rest of time, Christ is now the victor
because now with sin atoned for, all people can come through Him to get to
the Father to have a personal relationship with Him, thus throwing any of the
devil's plans of sin back at him.
The victory sent shockwaves through all realms of reality, and with sin now
atoned for, and death conquered, Satan is defeated!

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• Point 3:
"…and showed the world that they were powerless."
Now with the power, love and grace that were shown by Christ dying on the
cross for all mankind, God really did show this world and the heavenly world
that they - the devil and his fallen angels - are powerless.
Nothing and no-one can ever come against God's power and will and try as
the devil might, God will always come up more powerful, proving yet again that
He has indeed won the victory, rendering evil powerless against Him and any
Spirit-filled person.
• Conclusion:
To conclude then, it would seem the obvious message here is that Satan is
defeated. Christ won that victory on the cross for all people for all time, and
God's unfailing grace will keep that victory true.

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