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Sam Bamber

Group 2

Martin Cope & Dave White

P2 Complete a risk assessment for two different land based outdoor and adventure activities. Risk Assessment For Canoeing Hazard/Risk People At Risk Control Measures Avoid wearing large footwear and heavy clothing. Wear correctly fitting buoyancy aids when in and around the water. Instructor training and experience. Inspect paddles for sharp edges. Spacing when paddling. Safety briefing prior to activity. Wear helmets and buoyancy aids throughout the activity. Appropriate clothing for the weather. Ensure everyone has sufficient amount of water. Clear briefing about potential obstacles. Demonstrate the correct procedure for moving the canoes. At least 4 people to carry each canoe. Do not allow anyone to swim under the jetty. Warn of moving jetty. When getting in/out of canoe, ensure someone is stabilising it. Cover all cuts and new piercings. Advise everyone to shower after the activity. Further Action Level Of Risk


All Involved

No Further Action.


Struck By Paddle

All Involved

No Further Action.


Hypo/Hyperthermia Obstacles Lifting & Moving Boats

All Involved All Involved All Involved

No Further Action. No Further Action. No Further Action.

High Med Med


All Involved

No Further Action.



All Involved

No Further Action.


Sam Bamber

Group 2

Martin Cope & Dave White

Risk Assessment For Kayaking Hazard/Risk People At Risk Control Measures Avoid wearing large footwear and heavy clothing. Wear correctly fitting buoyancy aids when in and around the water. Instructor training and experience. Appropriate clothing for the weather. Ensure everyone has sufficient amount of water. Cover all cuts and new piercings. Advise everyone to shower after the activity. Inspect paddles for sharp edges. Spacing when paddling. Safety briefing prior to activity. Wear helmets and buoyancy aids throughout the activity. Helmets to be worn at all times. Instruct everyone in capsize drill. Briefed on dangers and how to behave around them. Further Action Level Of Risk


All Involved

No Further Action.



All Involved

No Further Action.



All Involved

No Further Action.


Struck By Paddle

All Involved

No Further Action.


Contact with Objects Capsize Wildlife & Farm Animals

All Involved All Involved All Involved

No Further Action. No Further Action. No Further Action.

Med High

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