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Find Maths Exercise Dance Watch the weekly Help your mum or Do half an hour of Make up a 1 minute YouTube

clips and dad measure out exercise, this can in- dance to your fafind another clip on the ingredients for a cluding going for a vourite song. You YouTube relating to healthy meal. walk, playing in the can do this by yourthat weeks topic. garden or playing self or with one or sport. two friends. Record Road Safety Fire Safety Nutrition Fill in the food calen- Write a short para- With two friends, Help your parents dar for three days in graph about how make a play or draw with the shopping a row. Try and get you get to school a cartoon about fire and then write down lots of healthy and how you stay safety. ten different items points! safe. in their place on the food pyramid. Relationships Help Games Cooking Write a note to a Ask your parents to Make up a ball game With the help of a classmate telling help you make a list with friends during parent cook a meal them why they are a of people they could lunch time. Then that a vegetarian good friend. contact in an emer- write down a list of could eat. Take a gency then stick it the rules. picture of the meal on the fridge. to show the class.

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