Yr5 Homework Grid

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Yr 5 Homework Grid

Term 1 Weeks 3-6 Due date: Fri 22/07/12 All boxes are compulsory. You have the holidays to complete this grid. Dont stress, its fun and dont be afraid to either email me or even talk to me in class Spelling Practice your spelling words that are given to you every Monday. This week they all have to do with nutrition! Do not forget, you will be tested on the spelling and meaning of the words. Time allocated: 15min. Reading Read aloud in a quiet study area. Revise the chapter about the importance of nutrition. This will be useful for your group presentations . Speak to me if you dont have a group yet. Time allocated: 20min. Daily Food Chart Use the chart that was given to you in class. Fill in all the boxes. Write what you ate for one whole day and the physical activity you participated in. It could even be walking to school. Do this for a week. Note down any changes. Housework Assist either mum or day to cook a healthy meal, or even dinner that they have already planned. Take photos and document steps into a method chart.

Time allocated: dinnertime, 30min. (This can change)

Physical activity Follow the yoga work sheet. If you dont enjoy yoga you can make up a dance. You will be able to present. Be prepared for yoga and dance in class.

Time allocated: a whole day/week. Cultural Spiritual/musi Interview an cal adult with a Everybody different culture stresses and than you. Dont everybody forget to cover needs a the criteria timeout from given to you in everything. class. You can pray or It has to be even listen to about what your favourite foods they song or even eat and cook! read a book! Find a hobby Time allocated: that makes you

Creative You are to create a physical game that you want to play in p.e. It has to include all class members. It has to run for 20 minutes. Be creative! It has to be fun!

Time allocated: 20min

allocate a time t conduct the interview with an adult. The interview should go for 510min.

relax. Time allocated: 15min

Time allocates: 15min

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