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Igwt hello FIRST INSTALLATION of SOURCEFIRE 3D DC750 if you want to install new Sourcefire 3D DC750 V5.

0 please refer to the follow steps: 1. connect to closet 2. login to system Method A 1. connect note book or other computer to device with cross cable to config the source fire over http console screen the default ip add. Is : /C (or connect the device to SW and use notebook or something else to connect to net ) 2. load browser on your computer and connect to 3. login to the device with the admin user default password = Sourcefire 4. now in this screen goto Local-Configuration 5. define your network in the Network' and Network Interface tabs. 6. Connect the device to you network and now you can work remotely on the device. Method B 1. first user : admin (default password = password) 2. after login to system type : su root (default password = password) 3. type : vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 4. type on insert key on your keyboard 5. change the : IP , NETMASK and BROADCAST parameters 6. type ESC key 7. type :w! - to save the changes 8. type :q to exit 9. in prompt line type : vi /etc/sysconfig/network 10. type on insert key on your keyboard 11. add the following line to the end of file: 1. GATEWAY={your default GW address} 12. type ESC key 13. type :w! - to save the changes 14. type :q to exit 15. you can reset the device by typing : init 6 on the command line. 16. Or just reset the network by typing /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart 17. Connect the device to you network and now you can work remotely on the device.

Good luck rami

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