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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.1 The Composition of Air

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Composition of Air

The Composition Of Air Air is a mixture of few gases

Nitrogen (78%)

Oxygen (21%)

Inert gases + other substances (0.97%) Carbon dioxide (0.03%)

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Topik 5 Udara Di Sekeliling Kita

Komposisi Udara
Komposisi Udara Udara ialah campuran beberapa jenis gas

Nitrogen (78%)

Oksigen (21%)

Gas nadir + bahan lain (0.97%) Karbon (0.03%) dioksida

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Composition of Air

Experiment To Show The Percentage Of Oxygen In Air
Gas jar x cm Candle Cork Water y cm

At the beginning of the experiment

At the end of the experiment

Percentage of oxygen in air = (x - y) cm 100% x cm Discussion Water rose to one-fifth of the height of the gas jar at the end of experiment. This shows that one-fifth of the air is used up for the combustion. Air consists of 21% of oxygen.
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Topik 5 Udara Di Sekeliling Kita

Komposisi Udara
Eksperimen Untuk Menunjukkan Peratus Oksigen Di Udara
Kelalang gas x cm Lilin Gabus Air y cm

Di awal eksperimen Peratus oksigen di udara = Perbincangan

Di akhir eksperimen (x - y) cm 100% x cm

Air naik sehingga satu per lima tinggi kelalang gas di akhir eksperimen Satu per lima daripada kandungan udara digunakan untuk pembakaran Udara terdiri daripada 21% oksigen.
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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Composition of Air

Experiment To Show That Air Contains Water Vapour
Retort stand Retort stand



Drops of water


At the beginning of the experiment

At the end of the experiment

Discussion: The liquid collected changes the colour of cobalt chloride paper from blue to pink. Water vapour in the air condenses to form drops of water when in contact with cold surface. Air contains water vapour.
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Topik 5 Udara Di Sekeliling Kita

Komposisi Udara
Eksperimen Untuk Menunjukkan Udara Mengandungi Wap Air
Kaki Retort Kaki Retort



Titisan air


Di awal eksperimen

Di akhir eksperimen

Perbincangan: Cecair yang terkumpul menukarkan warna kertas kobalt klorida biru menjadi merah jambu Wap air di udara terkondensasi lalu membentuk titisan air apabila wap air bersentuhan dengan permukaan sejuk Udara mengandungi wap air
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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Composition of Air

Experiment To Show That Air Contains Dust Particles And Microorganisms
Cellophane tape with sticky side facing up


Sterile petri dish Sterile nutrient exposed to air agar

Discussion: The dust in the air falls on the sticky side of the cellophone tape. Dust present in the air White colonies present on the agar. Microorganisms are present in the air.
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Topik 5 Udara Di Sekeliling Kita

Komposisi Udara
Eksperimen Untuk Menunjukkan Udara Mengandungi Debu dan Mikroorganisma
Pita selofon dengan bahagian melekit diletakkan di atas


Piring petri steril Agar bernutrien dan steril dibiarkan terdedah kepada udara

Perbincangan: Debu di udara jatuh ke bahagian pita selofon yang melekit. Debu hadir dalam udara. Koloni putih tumbuh dalam agar Mikroorganisma hadir dalam udara.
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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.2 The Properties Of Oxygen And Carbon Dioxide

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Properties Of Oxygen And Carbon Dioxide

Comparison Between Oxygen And Carbon Dioxide
Oxygen Slightly soluble Colourless Odourless Not soluble Properties Solubility in water Colour Odour Reaction with sodium hydroxide solution Reaction with glowing and burning splinter Reaction with moist blue and red litmus paper Reaction with lime water Reaction with hydrogen carbonate indicator Carbon Dioxide Slightly soluble Colourless Odourless

Very soluble (forms sodium carbonate) Burning splinter is extinguished

Glowing splinter relights No effect on both litmus paper No effect No effect

Changes moist blue litmus paper to red Lime water turns cloudy

Turns hydrogen carbonate indicator to yellow

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Topik 5 Udara Di sekeliling Kita

Sifat-sifat Oksigen Dan Karbon Dioksida

Perbandingan Antara Oksigen dan Karbon Dioksida
Oksigen Larut sedikit Tidak berwarna Tiada bau Tidak larut Sifat Kelarutan dalam air Warna Bau Tindak balas dengan larutan natrium hidroksida Tindak balas dengan kayu uji menyala dan kayu uji berbara Tindak balas dengan kertas litmus merah dan biru lembap Tindak balas dengan air kapur Tindak balas dengan penunjuk hidrogen karbonat Karbon Dioksida Larut sedikit Tidak berwarna Tiada bau

Sangat larut (membentuk natrium karbonat) Kayu uji berbara terpadam Kertas litmus biru berubah kepada merah Air kapur menjadi keruh

Kayu uji menyala terbakar Tiada kesan pada keduadua kertas litmus Tiada kesan Tiada kesan

Warna penunjuk bikarbonat berubah kepada kuning

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.3 Oxygen Is Needed For Respiration

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Respiration

Respiration The process of oxidizing digested food in the body cells to produce heat energy, carbon dioxide and water.

Food + O2

CO2 + H2O + Heat Energy

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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Respirasi

Respirasi Proses pengoksidaan makanan tercerna dalam badan bagi menghasilkan tenaga haba, karbon dioksida dan air.

Makanan + O2

CO2 + H2O + Tenaga haba

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Respiration

To Show That Living Things Use Oxygen During Respiration Wire gauze Glass tube Cockroach Cotton soaked in sodium hydroxide solution Germinating green beans A Drop of red ink (indicator) B C Observation : Boiling tube A B C Observation Indicator moved inwards Indicator moved inwards Indicator remains at the original position

Conclusion : Living things use oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration. The volume of air in the tube will decrease when sodium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide. This causes the indicator to moves inwards.
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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Respirasi

Untuk Menunjukkan Benda Hidup Menggunakan Oksigen Semasa Respirasi Dawai kasa Tiub kaca Lipas Kapas direndam dalam larutan natrium hidroksida Biji benih bercambah A Titisan dakwat merah (penunjuk) B C Pemerhatian : Tabung didih A B C Pemerhatian Penunjuk bergerak ke dalam tabung didih Penunjuk bergerak ke dalam tabung didih Penunjuk tidak bergerak

Kesimpulan : Benda hidup menggunakan oksigen dan membebaskan karbon dioksida dalam proses respirasi.

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Respiration

To Show That Living Things Give Out Carbon Dioxide During Respiration


Germinating green beans

Wire gauze

Hydrogen carbonate indicator Observation : Boiling tube P Q R Colour changes of the indicator Red to yellow Red to yellow Remains unchanged

Conclusion :

Living things release carbon dioxide during respiration.

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Respirasi

Untuk Menunjukkan Benda Hidup Membebaskan Karbon Dioksida Semasa Respirasi


Biji benih bercambah

Dawai kasa

Penunjuk hidrogen karbonat Pemerhatian : Tabung didih P Q R Perubahan warna penunjuk Merah kepada kuning Merah kepada kuning Warna kekal merah

Conclusion :

Benda hidup membebaskan karbon dioksida dalam proses respirasi.

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Respiration

Composition Of Inhaled And Exhaled Air

Gas Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Inert gases Water vapour

Inhaled air 21 % 0.03 % 78 % 0.97 % Lesser

Exhaled air 16 % 4% 78 % 0.97 % More

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Respirasi

Komposisi Udara Sedutan dan Udara Hembusan

Gas Oksigen Karbon dioksida Nitrogen Gas-gas nadir Wap air

Udara Sedutan 21 % 0.03 % 78 % 0.97 % Berkurang

Udara Hembusan 16 % 4% 78 % 0.97 % Bertambah

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.4 Oxygen Is Needed For Combustion

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Combustion


A chemical process that occurs when fuel is burnt in oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and energy.

Combustion of carbon : Carbon + Oxygen combustion Carbon dioxide + Heat

Combustion of hydrocarbon : Hydrocarbon + Oxygen combustion Carbon dioxide + Water + Heat

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Pembakaran

Pembakaran Suantu proses kimia yang berlaku apabila bahan api terbakar dengan kehadiran oksigen dan membebaskan karbon dioksida dan tenaga haba

Pembakaran karbon : Karbon + Oksigenpembakaran Karbon dioksida + Tenaga haba

Pembakaran hidrokarbon : Hidrokarbon + Oksigen pembakaran Karbon dioksida + Air + Tenaga Haba

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Oxygen Is Needed For Combustion

Provides heat

The Importance Of Combustion

Provides light


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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Oksigen Diperlukan Untuk Pembakaran

Memberikan haba

Kepentingan Pembakaran

Memberikan cahaya


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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.5 Air Pollution

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Air Pollution High Concentration of pollutants in air

Pollutants Pollutants Harmful substances that Harmful substances that are added in the air are added in the air Dust Nitrogen oxide
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Smoke Carbon monoxide

Pesticides Carbon dioxide

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran Udara Kepekatan bahan pencemar udara yang tinggi di udara

Bahan pencemar Bahan pencemar Bahan berbahaya yang Bahan berbahaya yang terdapat di udara terdapat di udara Debu Nitrogen oksida
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Asap Karbon monoksida

Racun serangga Karbon dioksida

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Sources Of Air Pollutant Combustion Carbon dioxide Dust Smoke Deforestation Carbon dioxide Dust Smoke

Smoking Carbon dioxide Nicotine, tobacco, tar

Motor vehicles Carbon dioxide Leaded fuels

Agricultural activity Pesticide Carbon dioxide

Industrial activity Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide Carbon dioxide

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Sumber Bahan Pencemar Udara Pembakaran Karbon dioksida Debu Asap Penebangan hutan Karbon dioksida Debu Asap

Rokok Karbon dioksida Nikotin, tembakau, tar Aktiviti pertanian Racun serangga Karbon dioksida

Kenderaan Karbon dioksida Bahan api berplumbum Aktiviti industri Karbon monoksida Sulfur dioksida Karbon dioksida

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Air Pollution Causes Health Problem

Smoke and dust respiratory disease

Carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide headache, dizziness, death

Sulphur dioxide bronchitis, pneumonia and lung cancer

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran Udara Menyebabkan Masalah Kesihatan Asap dan debu penyakit berkaitan pernafasan Karbon monoksida atau nitrogen dioksida sakit kepala, pening, kematian Sulfur dioksida bronkitis, pneumonia dan kanser paru-paru Bronkiol normal Bronkitis

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Air Pollution Causes Environmental Problem Acid Rain

Sulphur dioxide or nitrogen dioxide + rain acid rain

Water in ponds or river turns acidic aquatic plants and animal die

Corrodes and damages buildings

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran Udara Menyebabkan Masalah Alam SekitarHujan Asid Sulfur dioksida atau nitrogen dioksida + hujan hujan asid Air kolam dan sungai menjadi berasid tumbuhan dan haiwan akuatik mati Menghakis dan memusnahkan bangunan

ITeach Sains Tingkatan 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Air Pollution Causes Environmental Problem Thinning Of The Ozone Layer Chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC ) destroy the ozone layer

Allow more ultraviolet rays to reach the earth

Causes skin cancer and damage our eyes

ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran Udara Menyebabkan Masalah Alam Sekitar Penipisan Lapisan Ozon KlorofluoroKarbon ( CFC ) memusnahkan lapisan ozon

Menyebabkan lebih banyak sinar ultaungu sampai ke bumi

Menyebabkan kanser kulit dan merosakkan mata

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

Air Pollution
Air Pollution Causes Environmental Problem The Greenhouse Effect Carbon dioxide prevents heat from the Earth from escaping into space Increase of the Earths temperature causes global warming or greenhouse effect Melting of ice at the poles causes rising sea levels

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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran Udara Menyebabkan Masalah Alam Sekitar Kesan Rumah Hijau Karbon dioksida menghalang haba daripada Bumi terbebas ke angkasa Peningkatan suhu Bumi menyebabkan pemanasan global atau kesan rumah hijau Ais di kutub melebur menyebabkan peningkatan paras air laut

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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

5.6 The Importance of Keeping The Air Clean

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Importance of Keeping The Air Clean

The Importance of Keeping The Air Clean

To ensure the survival of human being and other living organisms

To maintain and guarantee the good health of the community

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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Kepentingan Mengekalkan Kebersihan Udara

Kepentingan Mengekalkan Kebersihan Udara

Untuk memastikan kemandirian manusia dan organisma hidup yang lain

Untuk mengekalkan dan menjamin kesihatan manusia

ITeach Science Form 1

Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Importance of Keeping The Air Clean

Society Avoid open burning. Reuse, recycle and reduce. Science and technology Use unleaded petrol Use ozone friendly gases. Steps to Prevent and control Air Pollution Build tall chimneys for factories. Legislation Enforce acts in controlling air pollution Education Carry out campaigns and advertisement through media
ITeach Science Form 1

Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Kepentingan Mengekalkan Kebersihan Udara

Masyarakat Elakkan pembakaran terbuka. Guna semula, kitar semula dan kurangkan Industri Gunakan petrol tidak berplumbum Langkah-Langkah Untuk Menghalang Dan Mencegah Pencemaran Udara Gunakan gas mesra ozon Membina corong tinggi bagi kilang Perundangan Menguatkuasakan undang-undang baru Pendidikan Kempen, seminar, aktiviti atau iklan melalui media masa
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Topic 5 The Air Around Us

The Importance of Keeping The Air Clean

Reduce the use of airconditioner Avoid open burning Stop smoking Ways To Keep The Air Clean Plant more trees for reforestation Use public transport (LRT, Commuter train) Recycle, reduce. Car pool reuse,

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Topik 5 Udara Disekeliling Kita

Kepentingan Mengekalkan Kebersihan Udara

Kurangkan penggunaan penyaman udara Elakkan terbuka pembakaran

Berhenti merokok Cara-Cara Mengekalkan Udara Bersih Penanaman tumbuhan semula

Gunakan pengangkutan awam (LRT, komuter) Kitar semula, guna semula dan kurangkan Perkongsian kereta

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The End

i - Teach

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