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Michael Stolar Date Response Form

Please complete this form and mail it to Michael Stolar (envelope is stamped and addressed). For questions or concerns, Mike can be reached at thank you!

First Impression: 1. Please rate Mikes outfit on a scale of 1-10, with a higher score associated with how much you wanted to take the outfit off. 2. Mike is very self conscious about his hair. Does he have reason to be? 3. Please list any physical attributes of Mike that need improvement (e.g. Mikes butt needs some toning1). Date: 1. How are Mikes conversation skills? He didnt talk about himself the whole night did he? 2. Be honest, does Mike have good manners? 3. Mike is very masculine; at any point did you feel he was compensating for anything? Conclusion: 1. Did Mike make a move? a. Yes, I was begging for it all night!2 b. No, hes a pussy. c. Yes, unwarranted. d. No thank goodness. 2. Who paid for dinner? a. Mike b. Me c. Dutch
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Mikes butt does not need any toning. Please high five Mike.

3. Are you a feminist? (Only answer if you answered b or c to the previous question your answer is for informational purposes only) Form: 1. How did the date go before Mike handed you this form? 2. Are there any questions missing from this extremely well written form or is there anything you would like to add about the date? 3. This form is in its developmental stages, what are your thoughts? 4. Please feel free to use the space below to draw Mike a picture:

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