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April 2012

Cristen Serdy: Technology Coordinator

Sovereign Avenue School

1. Add and remove students from SRI / FasttMath / Fraction Nation all month. 2. Add and remove students from Compass Learning all month. 3. Add and remove students from eChalk all month. 4. Add and remove students from all month. 5. Change Toners 6. Change Drums 7. Help with lesson plan issues 8. Coordinate with W. Somers 9. Coordinate and trouble shoot with Ray Leatherwood, district technician. 10. SRI Issues 11. Shared Edutopia Resources 12. Helping students with projects 13. McCabes projector cart: STILL missing! 14. Printer setup on laptops 15. Help Iris in office: re: computer / printer 16. Fixed disabled accts echalk 17. Power Point for zombie presentation 18. Biagi: Router in room issue 19. Worked on helping access to video sites with D. Vandermeulen 20. Financial Literacy: -literacy-taxes-and-economics.html 21. Science: 22. Language Arts: 23. Technology: QR Codes

24. Technology: Flubaroo 25. Technology: Google Docs 26. s-eBook.pdf Virtual Fieldtrip Info 27. Fundraising flyer 28. Updated website with school info 29. K1 30. Yearbook pictures 31. Great pdf addon 32. Kindle and eReader help email 4.25.12 33. eractives.aspx Exploring the Early Americas 34. Test Proctoring for 3 weeks. 35. Fundraising flyer.

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