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I get up on Mondays at 6:00 am, I take a bath, brush my teeth, I put on my uniform, breakfast with my little brother, I say

goodbye to mom and I go to school. We spent 7 hours in school, doing homework or play. After 2:30 pm., we retired to our homes and on the road we a group of friends. When I get home I greet my mother, I change my clothes and take a bath, after lunch and rest a moment. In the afternoon from 3:30 pm these help my mom at home, at 5:30 pm I get to do my homework, then at 6:45 pm I do full exercise until 7:30, then I take a bath, have dinner with family and watching TV. Sometimes there is work and stay late, but my bedtime is 10:00 pm exactly. Every Saturday I get up at 9:40 am, brush my teeth, all the family breakfast, I clean the house, at 11:30 am prepare lunch at 12 or 1:00 pm we are having lunch. When I finish lunch break and then I get to clean. After the afternoon was spent with family, then at night we had dinner, watch TV and everyone goes to sleep or stay watching TV.

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