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Difference between Sweet n Low, Splenda, and Equal

The differences between these three sweeteners are what they contain in terms of sugar in their effectiveness and their replacement of REAL sugar. Sweeteners are normally used by people who cant have real sugar any more, such as diabetic people. Sweet n Low contains saccharin which is an artificial sweetener that has been proved to have no effective food energy and is sweeter than sucrose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose, and also has an unpleasant bitter or metallic aftertaste. Splenda is a sweetener with no calories at all and does not promote tooth decay but is four times sweeter than sucrose, however, it can be excreted through our urine and 20%-30% of it is metabolized. Equal does not contain saccharide and is made up of aspartame, dextrose, and maltodextrin. In conclusion, these are some of the differences between these three brands of sweeteners; however, I think that the three of them are safe but not necessarily very healthy for you and I think Sweet n Low is the one least preferred since it has a bad aftertaste in the tongue because of the saccharin within it.

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