Department of Communities & Garning Paragraph 61

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[2012] FamCA 485

Another telling piece of evidence put before the Court by the central authority was an article downloaded from the Sunshine Coast Daily newspaper linked website bearing the date 22 July 2010 which was attached to an affidavit of Ms F filed on 10th of May 2011. Although it is not absolutely clear to me, I infer this article appeared at that time in that daily newspaper circulating in the area where the mother and children relocated to. The article is titled Family Flees to Safety of Coast. It reveals the story of the mother and the children and, relevantly to the point under immediate consideration, says this:
What followed was a delicate mission as [Ms Garning] planned a secret escape from Italy with her girls. It took three years and the help of the Australian Embassy in Rome to get the family out. After we divorced I knew I wanted to come back to Australia but it was so hard to escape [the father], [Ms Garning] said. He would not sign the girls passports and I had to coax him over time. I convinced him to let me take the girls to Australia for holiday and as soon as we got to Rome the Embassy looked after us and made sure we got out.


When I put that evidence to the mother for her considered response during her submissions she told me that I should not rely on the quote as evidence of the truth of what it contained as it was taken out of context and she was misquoted. She gave no further explanation.

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