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Franco Espaol High School


LIBRETTO Cecile: Dancing Cecile: (shouthing and running to to sorelis dressing room) Cecile: I saw the .Help me please. He is very ugly and I am terrified Sorelli Mm I dont believe you. The phantoms dont exist Christine (sing) I always love you. This song was for my dad Raoul : Christine your performance was ameising Christine (finted) Christine open her eyes and said Raoul: I want to be alone Raoul ok Phantom Christine you must love me Christine Who are you? Where are you? Phantom: I am the people that love you and will stay with you forever Christine: I am going to be made .I need to sleep Sorelli (speech) Debenne: Say thank you my deer Sorelli Debenne : Excuse me ladies and gentlemen this is my last night in the opera house and I have to give the master keys and the memorandum book to the new managers Debenne: Richard lets go to my office that sings today will be yours Richard I am very exaired thank for all Debenne Here you have the master keys and the memorandum book Richard: Why is this part written in red ink? Debenne Because the box 5 will be permanently reserved for the phantom of the opera Richard : shouted and say that is a joke Narrator The days passed and nothing special happened

Narrator: Richard sold the box 5 and a strange thing happened Inspector yesterday a recived a call from the people that we

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