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Caroline Soffer Pd. 3 7. Discuss the role of Eva in the novel.

In what ways does she contribute to the novel's larger messages? angel like figure (296, 297) Then I think I see it... Im going there. little girl, pure, all that is good (186, 212, 208. Oh, Tom will make a splendid.. Oh yes! He sings... Hath not God... a lot like Tom in a way. At very end (insert page number) Tom dies, goes onto a better place. Eva also goes onto a better place (336) (474) Oh! love, -joy, -peace~ Who...who...who... role in the novel: minor character, but one that sticks with you. makes you think and question. compared to the other characters she is angel like larger messages: slavery is evil and wrong. Eva is so much of an angelic figure that she knows this from the start, going so far as to stop her cousin from beating Dodo (303) How could you.... Tom and Eva were too good for life on earth. they were the people who saw what was wrong. They couldnt do anything about it...Eva because she was too young and Tom because he was a slave. Tom kind of rebells by keeping calm while everything happens, and Eva trys to make a difference by telling St. Clare to free Tom. They both knew (I think) that they couldnt really do anything, and they accepted this. They both went on to heaven (the better place) as they were too good for life on Earth. 9. Some critics have claimed Uncle Tom's Cabin promotes racial stereotypes and generalizations. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? disagree and disagree at the time it was written, people thought that blacks could not think for themselves without the help of whites this proves that wrong, it shows that white people had total control over everything, but the slaves are very powerful characters and people George Harris runs away. Did not bow down to the white man (destroyed stereotype) Topsy defines and creates stereotypes (pg. 271) people have said that Tom always bows down to the white man (his master). I think this is true, he always follows his master but it was a small act of rebellion at the

same time. Promoted stereotypes..this is what people thought blacks were like before UTC (always listening to their white masters) and this just confirmed it. 10. How do Stowe's political objectives affect the style and formal aspects of the novel? In designing her characters to make a point, did she make them too simple? Do the noble politics of the novel justify its literary shortcomings? The characters were simple, but proved her point well. One sided characters. Had one trait that was milked for the entire novel. For example, Eva is an angel. She doesnt do anything bad. (328 It was impossible...) Eva was very simple. Almost too simple. Seemed like she was only there to maybe show that the really good people in the world were against slavery. Here was a little girl who was good on her own, so nice, etc. AND she was against slavery. (Point made by Stowe) Tom is very eager to please his master always. He rarely fights back. One side to him- willing, happy, optimistic. We never see another side of Tom. Noble politics- book was written to prove that slavery was disastrous and wrong. the plot is fairly simple but it is written that way to prove a point.

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