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Diet plan Time On wake up:After 10 mins.

(Any 1) Meal Plan 2 glasses of lukewarm water add Wheat grass powder - 1 Fruit (any) - 4 almonds soaked overnight - 2 threptin biscuits 1 bowl of Poha/Upma (add lots of vegetables & no groundnuts) 1 bowl of oats/wheat flakes with milk (no sugar) 1 Fruit (no banana/chickoo/custard apple/mango) 1 glass buttermilk with 1 tsp flaxseeds (very thin)

Breakfast:(Any 1) Post workout (Any 1) Lunch:(Any 1)

- 2 whole wheat/jowar/bajra rotis(no oil/ghee)/ 1 katori steamed rice/steamed pulav + 1 vegetable (no kachha kele / paneer/ peas/ potato/ sweet potato) + 1 cup of dal. + salad/raita. -2 small vegetable/palak/dudhi/paneer stuffed rotis with 1 bowl of curd

After 2 hrs. After 1 hr:Dinner:(Any 1)

-1 cup green tea (no sugar) + 2 threptin biscuits - 1 cup of milk with threptin/d-protein powder (2 tbsp) A cup of sprouts salad (moong sprouts + curd + pomegranate + cucumber + rock salt to taste) -1 paneer sandwich/vegetable sandwich - Big bowl of soup + sauted vegetables + curd - 2 small vegetable/palak/dudhi/paneer stuffed rotis with 1 bowl of curd - 2 moong dal chillas with green chutney + 1glass of buttermilk

Points to Remember:Drink minimum 12-15 glasses of water Have 1 2 glasses of water 30 mins prior to lunch and dinner Eat at regular intervals. Do not skip any of the above given meals Sleep atleast for 6-8 hrs daily and workout for 45 mins for 5 days a week. Avoid eating processed, packaged, fried and junk food. Incorporate 2 cups of green/herbal tea in your diet *** Maintain a food record book All the best

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