Customer: Cut in Glass

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Shaun aims to fire up theCunners

It's a drrEr 6rne true . . . sell, alfno6t, yourgster Sheu Beind Fmtbell-md smot welt to lerd hl! favourite teer! out of the tumel for a top PternleEhip netch on Sundry. The nlneyearold &ori Becl6 h6 ben selected n3 Ar!rsl's nescot for the clrsh with Derby County at Hde Pilk, But it lmlf e8 though he wlll not get to he is suslEnded. mt hb hem - buw Shann's favourlte pl.eyr is sdker Dennis Brgkamp, who wlll rnlss the Derby rnf,tch becaus he b srvhg e thrGtrratch ber for plcking up llve yellow mrds. Ysterdry, though, Shsun sid he ws roally looklng forsard to hls bla day even though the ltotch star wlll be mlsing from tlre Gwers' team. He wlll be followlng ln the fmtstetF of his younger brother, Liem, who ws Areend's trasot whtr the team pleyed lEeds at Ellard Road on Augtrst 9. Both boys picked trp thelr love ofthe Cumers from thelr father, Dominic, who orlglnrlly coms fron lrndon. Mr Baln6 put hls song on the mascot rcglater s@n Nliter they were bom, but the orlgbal applicatlons were lct. The club madd up for lts mfutake lst y"tr though, when lt pmndsod the boys could be marots durlng thls seesn,.

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Arlcml tens 0ell) Sh.un 86lnr!. trom

COURT f18,500fine afterwindowaccident I

Customer cut in glass oexplosion?


Lt '{5t ftrErftt FEffit Ftrnt


ffi HErl cil

r Dr Kirby hisright put

f,Xt1ffn",m;ff hand out to push what he ;fr:ffi

NationalSaab UsedCarWeekend
Saturday and Sunday 1st 2nd November
A@$ to ffi 2.d)0 AlprM Sa6bsndiwido. ttsed Orde6 Oltred durinEtm w*6nd ore of 12 'enfr Sr*ist' siEs. quality for S6 Fina@ Mllablo on 3ldtd mdeB.. me rsngeof cBtffi mnts ApDred Usql Seah. m all Children'sfacilities, brfid and telt diws alt Eekend. Wo l@k fosard to sing GRrATwksdyd, o h6

r Flll Mttm qwtatlon3 on rcque$. Indemity mry h Equired. Ofrr Subjed to Satur.

OpnSaturday a,m.-Sp,m. Sunday10.O0a.m.-4.O0p.m, 9

door and it "exploded" cutting his left knee, right buttock and cerEin8 srious funjuris to his right hand ild thumb. The conpany deeply regletted the a&ident lnd had put safety tiln on all the glass in its showms, which was not up to sl.mdald, Norwich maFstretes heard. SaUy Baits. prcwuting for Nomich City Council, told magistrttes that the glass in the. wall Fas "sbolly inadequate" being six millimetres thick where it should have been 10 millimetres thict. T'he glR\ mU was not nraale from safety materlal, end

sales litratur usruUy stuck on the glss had ben rcmoved for cleaning purpos, the court heard. "Dr Kirby put his riglrt hrnd out to push what he thouht was an entrance door and went right through it. The glass exDloded on to the formurt and showroom and shards of glas were still left in the fnm,' Miq{ Baits said. Df Kirby had to have plastic surgery on his hand after severing a newe, artery md teDdon and would suffcr snsory lss for the rest of his llfe.the surt heard. Following the accident the glass wrll was F-placedby ti.,l

millimetm laminated glas. Itrkers admitted nonmploys to risk

the tems of the Health

Safety Act and was !15,000 maEistratss. by The company sas mother f:5(n aftcr adr admiftir8 a further chnrge of xp6ir! its staffio risk lt was also onlered lo p{y f1351 costs tllrt no compensatlonordcr nns tHans Dr l(irby has elresd! proceedingt stnrted civil against tlre company. John Bucklorv, sid the glas wall Dr walked through normalll saloslitorature on it.

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