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Pro-forma invoice No.:

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Reference: e-mail C. Plapcianu (6.4. 2012)

EUROSTANDARD CZ, Ltd. Radiov 1 102 00 Praha 10 Czech Republic ID: 61503991 VAT No.: CZ61503991 The Buyer:

NIMP, Solid State Magnetism Department 105 bis Atomistilor street, Bucharest-Magurele, 77125, ROMANIA

Supplier is registered under the material sign C,31088 since 18.8.1994 by MS Praha.

Payment: by bank transfer Bank: SOB,a.s. Praha 10 Swift code: CEKOCZPP IBAN: CZ9603 0000 0000 0198 559300 Ing. Vladimir Dutka Tel/Fax: +420 266 020 499
Terms of delivery: CPT Bucharest Producer: Ritverc GmbH Country of origin: Russia The time of delivery: approx. 6-7 weeks

Date of issue: Payment: Offer is valid till:

10.4.2012 20 net days after receipt of the invoice 31.7.2012

ITEM MCo7.124 Activity: 50mCi D=14mm h=14mm,, Ti capsule, Be window, Rh Matrix, holder type 1, M4 female Distribution CPT Bucharest

Price per pc. (EUR) 4385


Total price (EUR) 4385






If you decide to order the above specified goods by executing the payment, please always use the Pro-forma invoice no. as a reference for the beneficiary, thank you. This is an electronically issued document and is valid without a signature as well as with it.

Ing. Vladimr Dutka export manager

Telephone: +420 266 020 499

Fax: +420 266 020 499

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