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Name___________________________________________________ Project Choice_________________ Instructions: Choose one possible project from the list to be completed at home.

Projects will be completed using the following rubric. Category Excellent (5) Average (3) Below Expectations (1) Item is completely lacking in multiple areas. Item is completely lacking in multiple areas. Item is completely lacking in multiple areas.

Creativity and neatness

1. Items are neat, on blank paper and colored if applicable. 2/3. Project is interesting to look at, neat and presented in an organized manner. 4/5. Item is neat, uses colors to convey meaning and is easy to read. All projects: Few if any errors in spelling especially looking at homophones. Majority of sentences make sense.

Item is lacking in one area stated to the left.

Spelling and grammar

Several errors in spelling and sentences that are nonsensical.

Research and evidence


1. Project uses the most important or Item is lacking in one area significant events in each chapter and stated to the left. provides captions of each event. 2/3. One very reliable source is use and all information is written in the students own words. 4/5. Textual support is used to draw conclusions about characters or setting. It is provided in a way that assists the viewer. Explanations are included. 1. 17 hand drawn pictures are included. Item is lacking in one area stated to the left. 2/3. At least 8 photos, sound clips or videos are included. 4. Character chart is uses some thinking map to organize relevant information. It is concise, interesting and easy to read. 5. Map has an interesting method to convey necessary information (pictures to show events and places that are important).

Item is completely lacking in multiple areas.


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