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Merchant Integration Questionnaires

Merchant Name:

Merchant Address:

Merchant Business Contact Person: Phone:

Merchant Technical Contact Person: Phone:

Merchant Business Category: e-mail:

SL # Parameter PG Supported Merchant Detail

1 Merchant DNS NameMerchant may use the register

DNS name
2 PORT SUPPORTED Http port = 80
https port = 443
3 Operating system Operating System hosting the 1. Windows

3. SUN Solaris

4. Others __________________

Version No _2003________________

patches updated: ____________________

4 App/Web Server JRUN ( App server ) 1. JRUN ( App server )
a) IIS ( Web Server ) a) IIS ( Web Server )
b) TOMCAT ( Web Server ) b) TOMCAT ( Web Server )
TOMCAT ( App server )
2. TOMCAT ( App server )
Web Logic

4. Web Logic

5. Others __________________

Version No ____________________

Patches updated: _____________________

5 Server pages ASP 1. ASP

2. Java
(Please specify the a. JSP
version) b. Servlet
c. Struts
d. Others _____________
e. Jdk version _____________

For Batch Processing: Please mention if there are any file access Policy on the Local LAN to restrict
programs to be executed

Sr. No. Required Info Merchants details Merchant comments

1 Database details MS Access
2 Test Infrastructure
3 Detail address of
the test /production
Merchant Integration Questionnaires

4 Whether you have a Third Party
in-house IT team or
third party service
5 Details of the
internal /External
security Process

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