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Name:___________________________________ Period:___ *Put answers on the ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED DO NOT WRITE ON TEST-CLASS SET ONLY I.

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. There are Hunger Games because: a) each district needs to fight for food/supplies b) because the government wants entertainment c) to keep districts in line d) all of the above 2. District 12 produces: a) coal b) iron c) grain d) bananas 3. A tessera is: a) betting your entire family on the games b) putting in another name in bowl for grain and oil c) an award for good behavior 4. Who is first chosen for the Games? a) Rue b) Katniss c) Prim d) Peeta 5. What is Katniss connection to Peeta? a) they are brother and sister b) they are cousins c) he saved her life once 6. Katniss receives _________prior to the Games. a) cookies and punch b) cookies and a pin c) cheese and crackers 7. MockingJays are: a) birds that mock humans c) birds that mock dead tributes 8. Haymitch is a recovering alcoholic: a) True b) False 9. Effie Trinket is the host for district 9. a) True b) False 10. What does Haymitch tell Katniss (advise)? a) stay apart b) stay alive c) stay together d) stay positive 11. What is unusual about the costumes for Peeta and Katniss? a) they are made of coal b) they catch fire c) they melt

12. Katnisss gesture to her district is to: a) give a peace sign b) put middle three fingers to lips and then out in air c) put index finger in air 13. What is an Avox? a) a cross between an ox and human b) someone who had eyes put out c) someone who had tongue taken out 14. How does Katniss know the Avox? a) they are related b) she saw her taken away by the district c) she helped her escape 15. Katnisss receives what number/score when training? a) 10 b) 9 c) 11 d) 13 16. Katniss skill is: a) hunting b) running c) swimming 17. Peetas skill is: a) running b) hunting c) camouflage 18. What does Katniss do to get Gamemakers attention? a) she bangs on the glass b) she shoots arrow towards them c) she yells out Look at me!! 19. Prior to the games beginning-Haymitch tells Katniss that Peeta: a) loves her b) will continue to train with her c) will train separately 20. What is special about Katniss interview dress? a) it is a wedding dress b) it is made of coal c) it catches fire at the hem 21. What is a career tribute? a) train all their lives to be in the game b) get paid for being in the games c) put in the games for fun 22. We discover in Peetas interview that: a) he hates Katniss b) he loves Katniss c) he wants to kill Katniss 23. How many Hunger Games have there been (not including this one) a) 73 b) 74 c) 75 24. Who was Titus? a) a former tribute that committed suicide b) a former tribute that ate his victims

25. What is the Cornucopia? a) place where you get water only b) place where you rest c) place where you get supplies (including water) 26. Who is hunting in the pack? a) careers only b) careers and Peeta 27. What is Katniss struggling to find? a) berries b) medicine c) water 28. Why doesnt Haymitch send her water? a) he wants her to die b) she is too close to it c) he sends food instead 29. What other threat does Katniss face by Gamemakers? a) earthquakes b) fire balls c) tornados 30. Who shows Katniss the Tracker Jacker nest? a) Rue b) Thresh c) Peeta 31. What are TrackerJackers? a) bears b) mutated bees c) mutated bears 32. What effect do the stings have on Katniss? a) she becomes aggressive b) she has hallucinations c) she goes crazy 33. When Katniss finds Peeta he is: a) in a tree b) swimming c) camouflaged 34. Who kills Rue? a) Peeta b) boy from District 1 c) Thresh 35. What does Katniss do for Rue upon her death? a) place roses upon her b) give her (her) mockingjay pin c) sing a lullaby

36. What rule change do the Gamemakers give? a) the first person back to the cornucopia wins b) the first person to kill their district partner wins c) the boy and girl tribute can BOTH win if still alive at end 37. Where do Peeta and Katniss hide out? a) on the river banks b) in a cave c) in the trees 38. What happens to Foxface? a) she died of TrackerJacker stings b) she died by eating poison berries c) she was killed by Muttations 39. What attacks the last three tributes? a) Trackerjackers b) Muttations c) a new set of tributes 40. What happens when the Gamemakers revoke the rule change? a) Peeta and Katniss start fighting b) Katniss runs away c) Peeta and Katniss act like they will kill themselves by eating berries d) Peeta and Katniss act like they will kill themselves by jumping off a cliff 41. Who actually wins the Hunger Games? a) Peeta b) Katniss c) both Peeta and Katniss d) no one 42. Katniss final act with the berries a) makes the district angry b) makes the district proud and happy c) make the district get punished 43. Peeta and Katniss get married at the end. a) True b) False II. True or False (A=True B=False) 44. 45. 46. 47. Effie Trinket has been in the Hunger Games before. Haymitch has never been in the Games. Greasy Sae is a witch in the district. Katniss mom is of sound mind and body.

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Prim has a dog. The cats name is Butterball. The authors name is Suzanne Cannon. Caesar Flickerman is a GameMaker. Cinna is a GameMaker? Portia is Katniss stylist. The sequel to The Hunger Games is Catching Frogs The protagonist of the novel is Rue. a) very fast! b) girl on fire c) drunkard d) bakers son a) very depressed b) saved by Katniss c) Katniss hunting partner d) very colorful a) dies by berries b) cook c) gives Katniss cookies d) mean!!

MATCHING: 56. Katniss 57. Rue 58. Peeta 59. Haymitch 60. 61. 62. 63. Mrs. Everdeen Prim Gayle Effie Trinket

64. Glimmer 65. Greasy Sae 66. Peetas Dad 67.Peetas Mom


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